Ребята Установите соответствие между элементами левого и правого столбиков.
1 Primary a. life
2 Protect b. things
3 Living c. September
4 Since d. education
A2. Выберите верный предлог.
I don’t think people can survive … water.
1 Of
2 Without
3 In
4 After
A3. Составьте правильные словосочетания.
1 Destroy a. desert
2 Make b. language
3 Dry c. a journey
4 Foreign d. the town
foreign; is spread; is washed by; capital; island; is situated; powerful;
languages; occupies; population
1 India is situated in Asia.
2 There are 15 official languages in India and thousands of different dialects
3 Great Britain is an island where England, Scotland, and Wales are located.
4 What city is the capital of Japan? – Tokyo is.
5 The UK is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north.
6 Success in foreign language learning is not connected with a person's natural talent.
7 The population of the Russian Federation is about 112 thousand of people.
8 Australia occupies a whole continent.
9 The USA are considered to be one of the most powerful countries in the world.
10. English language is spread all over the world.