Решите контрольную!
. Read the text and mark the statements True (T), False (F), Not Stated (NS).
James and the Giant Peach is a popular children’s novel written in 1961 by the British author Roald Dahl. The plot centers on a young English orphan boy who enters a gigantic, magical peach, and has a cross-world adventure with the six insects he meets. The boy lived happily with his parents until rhinoceros escaped from the London zoo and ate his parents. James stayed with his two evil aunts, Aunt Spiker and Aunt Sponge. They made the boy work long hours chopping wood and cleaning. They did not allow him to come out of the house and locked him in the basement to sleep on the cold floor. He didn’t go to school or play with other children. They didn’t give him enough food. The evil aunts wished that he would die.
One day James meets an old wizard who gives him a small bag of magic green crystals. These crystals have the power to help James with his problems. James falls and drops them into the roots of a peach tree. Soon a peach appears on the tree and the aunts sell tickets to view it as it becomes the size of a house. Later, six insects invite James inside the peach. The insects ate some of his magic green crystals and grew to become as large as James. Together, they roll away in the giant peach - leaving his aunts behind them. They have many adventures on their way to New York City across the Atlantic Ocean. The book is enjoyable!
Roald Dahl is a famous English writer.
The book is about the boy’s adventures while travelling inside the peach all over the world.
James’s aunts loved him and took care of him.
James was a very clever and friendly boy.
James was one of the best students at school.
The boy had to work hard to get some food.
James was happy when he played with his friends.
The wizard liked James and wanted to help him.
The wizard turned the aunts into big peaches.
James found new friends inside the huge peach.
I. Choose the correct verb form.
1. I ……. learn the French language.
a. am not b. don’t c. isn’t
2. People in Italy …. a lot of pasta.
a. don’t eat b. are eating c. eat
3. I …. this sandwich. I’m not hungry.
a. don’t want b. am not wanting c. doesn’t want
4. Jack …. alone as usual.
a. is living b. live c. lives
5. …. you …..in this hotel now?
a. Do …stay b. Are…..staying c. Have…..stay
II. Choose the correct form of adjective.
1. Ann is (young) child in her family.
a. the youngest b. the younger c. young
5. Henry is not (tall) his elder brother.
a. taller b. so tall as c. tallest
3. Where is (near) post office?
a. the nearest b. the next c. nearer
III. Choose the correct verb form in Passive Voice.
1. I an interesting job yesterday.
a. is offered b. was offered c. will be offered
2. Smoking here.
a. is not allowed b. was not allowed c. will be allowed
3. The luggagesoon.
a. is brought b. was brought c. will be brought
4. The project only tomorrow.
a. is finished b. was finished c. will be finished
30-летие празднования Дня Земли в Соединенных Штатах Тридцать лет с того дня, когда в первый день Земли, в 1970 году, миллионы людей присоединились к одной из крупнейших демонстраций общественного мнения в истории нашей страны. В тот день 20 миллионов американцев приняли участие в митингах, демонстрациях, чтобы продемонстрировать свою поддержку защиты нашего здоровья и окружающей среды. В этот День Земли мы отмечаем самую чистую окружающую среду в поколении. Но наша работа не выполнена. Мы по-прежнему сталкиваемся с проблемами окружающей среды и общественного здравоохранения. Одна из наших самых больших проблем - изменение климата. Глобальное потепление сегодня реально. Более 2000 мировых экспертов по глобальной окружающей среде сказали нам, что последствия изменения климата могут быть предсказаны. В декабре года президент объявил о новых стандартах. И впервые эти стандарты касаются не только транспортных средств, которыми управляют люди, но и топлива, которое они используют. Работая вместе, мы создали стандарты здравого смысла, которые защищают здоровье населения. Есть и другие источники вредного загрязнения.
Только в течение следующего десятилетия, благодаря инвестициям, сделанным в программу Energy Star, американцы сэкономят более 24 миллиардов долларов и сократить миллионы тонн вредных загрязнителей. Лучшая вещь в этом - мы не просто экономим деньги, мы сокращаем загрязнение окружающей среды, защита окружающей среды. Такие экологические проблемы не будут решаться государством. Они не будут решены бизнесом. Они будут решены нами.