1. I have never been to any court, criminal or civil. - Я никогда не былв гражданском или уголовном суде. 2. They explained how they had planned the robbery. - Они объяснили, как они спланировали ограбление. 3. How long has this man been in jail ? - Как долго этот мужчина пробыл в тюрьме? 4. She will have given evidence by that time tomorrow. - Завтра к этому времени ей будут предоставлены доказательства. Вставьте вместо точек необходимый артикль: "a/an", "the" или нулевой. 1. .- defendant is .a.. person against whom a legal action is brought.2. Bill Clinton was .a.. President of .the.. USA.3. It is .a.. serious statement. I cannot support it. .The.. statement contradicts .the.. facts.4. One of.the.. problems they discussed concerned .the.. arrest of...the soldier. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.1. Не. studied law at the University.2. I'm sure he... will be made a good lawyer.3. They often. publish information on economic crimes.4. In 1984 the average salary of experienced lawyers.was 88,000 dollars5. The murder rate.has changed since 1969 yet.
Once ... Frenchman was travelling in ... Sweden. He stopped at .the.. hotel in .the.. little Swedish town. It was ... evening, .the.. man was tired, so he went to .the.. bed at once. In .the.. morning he had ..a. breakfast in ..the. hotel restaurant. After ... breakfast he went for ..a. walk. He walked along ... streets of .the.. town, visited ..a. museum and ... shops. Presently he felt hungry and dropped into .the.. cafe for .a.. lunch. He sat down at .the.. table, called .the.. waiter and ordered ... mushrooms. But... Frenchman did not know ... Swedish and .the.. waiter did not know ... French. Nobody in ... cafe could speak ... French. Then ... Frenchman took ..a. piece of .the.. paper and ..a. pencil and drew the picture of a... mushroom. .the.. waiter looked at .the.. picture and left .a.. room at once. Five minutes later he returned with ..an. umbrella.
2. They explained how they had planned the robbery. - Они объяснили, как они спланировали ограбление.
3. How long has this man been in jail ? - Как долго этот мужчина пробыл в тюрьме?
4. She will have given evidence by that time tomorrow. - Завтра к этому времени ей будут предоставлены доказательства.
Вставьте вместо точек необходимый артикль: "a/an", "the" или нулевой.
1. .- defendant is .a.. person against whom a legal action is brought.2. Bill Clinton was .a.. President of .the.. USA.3. It is .a.. serious statement. I cannot support it. .The.. statement contradicts .the.. facts.4. One of.the.. problems they discussed concerned .the.. arrest of...the soldier.
Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.1. Не. studied law at the University.2. I'm sure he... will be made a good lawyer.3. They often. publish information on economic crimes.4. In 1984 the average salary of experienced lawyers.was 88,000 dollars5. The murder rate.has changed since 1969 yet.