1 Who has got 6 lessons every day? When has Kate got 6 lessons? Has Kate got 6 lessons every day? Has Kate got 6 or 7 lessons every day? Kate has got 6 lessons every day,hasn't she? 2. Are Fred and Sam good at English? Who is good at English? Are Fred and Sam good at English or Chinese? What are Fred and Sam good at? Fred and Sam are good at English,aren't they? 3. Who can help her friend with Russian? Can Pam help her friend with Russian? Can Pam help her friend with Russian or English? Pam can help her friend with Russian,can't she? What can Pam help her friend with?
1.Has Kate got 6 lessons everyday? Kate has got 6 lessons everyday, hasn't she? Has Kate got 5 or 6 lessons everyday? Who has got 6 lessons everyday? How much lessons has Kate got evetyday? 2.Are Fred and Sam good at English? Fred and Sam are good at English, aren't they? Are Fred and Sam good at English or at French? Who is good at English? What are Fred and Sam good at? 3. Can Pam help her friend with Russian? Pam can help her friend with Russian, cannot she? Can Pam help her friend with Russian or with history? Who can help her friend with Russian? With what can Pam help her friend?
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