The pretty bags are made by this factory.
Some new undeground stations are built in Khrkov.
New ruls were explained bu the teacher.
The street was blocked by the snow.
The porcelain was invented in China.
The football is discussed.
He was talked by us yesterday.
A strange picture was shown for us.
Good marks were got for every student.
The bons are given for dogs.
The beer isn't allowed to drink on the streets.
This songs are listened to often.
The presents aren't presented for her every day.
The phone is saled.
The tests ate writen by a pen.
This goods are made in China
He was punished by his parents.
English language is spoken inmany countries by most of people.
First of all, the actors whose names are on everyone's lips-Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox, Pamela Anderson, Keanu Reeves, Leslie Nielsen. Singer Mylene Farmer was born near Montreal, and genius Director James Cameron in Ontario. Singer Shania is honored not only for her wonderful songs, but also for the record that has not yet been surpassed - one of her albums has been released in the amount of 40 million copies. Neil young is a popular canadian musician with a unique guitar playing technique. Wayne Gretzky is the most famous hockey players of the 20th century. He won the Stanley Cup four times. John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the most famous theoretical economists, is also a native of Canada.