Complete the letter. Write one word in each gap.
Dear Carol,
Thanks for your letter. I've got some news too - I was in the singing competition, The Voice!
I decided to sing a love ¹ and for weeks I ² to it on my MP3³ and I sang it all the time. On the day of the competition, I was very nervous and when I⁴ told I was next, I couldn't remember anything! However, as soon as I⁵ the first note of the music, I remembered the⁶ and I sang as well as I could.
I didn't win, but I never really believed that the judges would choose me. I went because I wanted them to give me their ⁷ of my singing. I was ⁸ lots of useful advice, and it was a great day - the best day of my life, in fact!
Write soon with all your news,
Уривок нижче походить від "Фінансиста" Френк Каупервуд в тринадцять показав, як хлопчик, який вже повністю обізнаний про силу грошей. Пізніше він стає типовим капіталістом, зупиняється не ставши багатим і могутнім