1. Wales lies on the... 2. It is well known for its... 3. Snowdonia National Park is the area around... 4. Welsh is one of the... 5. Wales has two official languages: 6. The Welsh like... 7.On the national flag of Wales there is...
Something arrived by the spaceship, 20 million years ago when Antarctica started freezing. Something happened to the ship, it lost control and made an emergency landing. When landing it crashed into the granite rock. It came to light and froze. It was dug out by scientists. Its look is described by Campbell "In a skull of a strange form still the ice axe fragment stuck out. Three mad, filled with hatred of an eye burned with live fire. Instead of hair the head was framed by disgusting coiling rough worms." Capture of the whole world, by transformation of all terrestrial individuals into the similarity was the purpose Something apparently. Only unsuccessful place of disembarkation rescued our planet. Something didn't want to kill all people at station - it wanted to get out on the continent. Something read mind and inspired thoughts, however, only when the person sleeps. "The damned creature not only could read foreign mind, but also project the. He not had dreams, he telepathic perceived thoughts of the newcomer, just as we now listen to his mutter in the sleep." Something possessed ability to maintain a long freezing because quickly enough recovered. It is capable to turn into any living being.
Teleportation — the general name of processes at which the object moves from one place to another for very short period (almost instantly), without existing in intermediate points between them, by means of technological methods or the paranormal phenomena. Technological methods assume, for example, procedure of creation of information on internal structure and properties of the material object being in one point of space, transfer of such information and a reconstruction for very short period (canonically — instantly) in other point of space of material object with internal structure and the properties identical first — thus the object in the first point during information transfer disappears, and the material of a body or substance is used, as a data carrier from which then and the body or the substance identical to the former is recreated. In fantastic works — instant movement of material object from one point of space in another.