Var. 1. Translate into English using Com
1. I want you to help me. 2. My father wanted me to read this book.
1. I would like them to come to me.
4. She wanted to be invited to a party. 5. I can't stand it when you're late.
6. We want him to sing this song. 1. My parents don't want me to get bad grades.
3. He would like you not to say that. 3. She wants only you to bring her coffee. 10. I don't want them to know about it.
1. The teacher wants the students not to interrupt him. and a friend doesn't want me to pay for dinner.
The driving teacher wants his students to study well.
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What's the weafer like in *какойто любой город* todey
It's *любая погода* with a temperature of *любая цифра* 'C
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