1. People grew this coffee in Brazil.
People didn't grow this coffee in Brazil.
Did people grow this coffee in Brazil?
2. Someone made this piano in the 18th century.
No one made this piano in the 18th century.
Did anyone make this piano in the 18th century?
3. Somebody sent a Christmas postcard to me.
Nobody sent a Christmas postcard to me.
Did anybody send a Christmas postcard to me?
4. Somebody bought a lot of vegetables and put them in the fridge.
Nobody bought a lot of vegetables and put them in the fridge.
Did anybody buy a lot of vegetables and put them in the fridge?
5. Andrew took us to the living room.
Andrew didn't take us to the living room.
Did Andrew take us to the living room?
6. People killed the last dodo many years ago.
People didn't kill the last dodo many years ago.
Did people kill the last dodo many years ago?
7. They built a new hospital in our city last month.
They didn't build a new hospital in our city last month.
Did they build a new hospital in our city last month?
8. People translated this book into many languages.
People didn't translate this book into many languages.
Did people translate this book into many languages?
9. They taught reading in the first year.
They didn't teach reading in the first year.
Did they teach reading in the first year?
1.Чем хороша современная модульная мебель?
2. По каким трем зонам распределяют офис старших менеджеров?
3. Что организовывает функциональность и комфортабельность рабочего места?
4. Что предлагают производящие компании?
5. каким образом цвета пола влияют на людей?
6. где рекомендуют красить стены в лёгкие оттенки зелёного?
7. почему?(именно зелёный)
8. Где используют цвета голубого и серого?
9. Почему?
10.Какие рисунки справиться с усталостью и раздражением ?
11. Что было самым интересным в тексте?
12. Что нового для себя вы узнали?
13. Понравился ли вам данный текст?
14. Почему?
15. Знаете ли вы ещё , какие цвета где и для чего используются ?
1) about
6)on / in
7) to
9) with
12) of
не совсем поняла 4 какое слово, обобщающее ?или есть спец. активная лексика