1) She asked me if she could help me.- Она спросила меня, может ли она мне
2) She said that she was wondering what to read.- Она сказала, что ей хочется что-то почитать.
3) The girl said that she had finished all the children's books. - Девушка сказала, что она закончила читать все детские книги.
4) She asked me if I meant I had looked at the pictures. - Она спросила меня, имею ли я ввиду, что я смотрел на картины (видел ли я).
5) She asked me what sort of book I would like to read. - Она спросила меня, какую книгу я хотел бы прочитать.
6) The girl said she would like a really good one that had grown up read. A famous one but she didn't know any names. - Девушка сказала, что она хотела бы действительно почитать какую-нибудь хорошую книгу, которую читают взрослые. Известную, но она не знает никаких названий.
The house of culture "Victory" opened in 1943, and in 2008 he was 65 year. Work of the "Victory" was awarded the family of diplomas and 19 letters. In the management of culture and leisure time of the population of the city administration the prospects of development of the cultural center Nameless. In the nearest time of the «Victory» will receive the new status of the Samara center искусств.Из the city budget has already allocated funds for major repairs of the building of the club - soon, after the reconstruction of the obsolete structure will acquire a modern look and become a comfortable place of recreation for the inhabitants of the city of Samara. Today in the house of culture «Victory» works perfect urban collectives - municipal brass band (winner of the international festivals in France and Russia), the collective of ballet of the group, the collective of the choir of veterans of war and labour «Revival» (the oldest participant of all activities of the club), musical collectives of «classic-Domra» and «Percussion life», well-known not only in Samara, but also outside Russia.