Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin - Russia's greatest poet. He wrotemany beautiful lyrical poems, plays in verse and prose, short stories. Some of his works have inspired composers to createoperas and ballets. The poet was born in Moscow. One of theancestors of his father was a black Abyssinian, the court of Tsar Peter the Great. Alexander began writing poetry at age 12. He was educated at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. After his graduation he entered the civil service. Once a poet has written several poems that criticized important government officials, he was exiled in 1920to the south of Russia. In 1826 Nicholas I summoned from exilePushkin. Since then the writer has become a recognized poet in Russia. All my life doing historical research Pushkin and used themto create their own literary works. In 1836 he became the founder of the literary magazine called "contemporary."
In 1831, Alexander married. His fiancee - Natalia Goncharova - was a famous beauty, she had many admirers, to whom Pushkin was jealous of her. He resented courting French - Baron Georges d'Anthes, and challenged him to a duel. The poet in a duel, was mortally wounded. He died two days later in his apartment on the Moika.
Наконец наступили каникулы! Я был очень счастлив! Я не должен был вставать рано утром и бежать в школу. Я мог оставаться в постели до полудня. Но я не хотел спать. Было так много дел. Погода была хорошая, так что мои друзья и я ходили гулять каждый день. Это было весело! Затем я провел месяц в деревне, где живут мои дедушка и бабушка . Это было здорово. Я пил молоко и ел много вкусной пищи, которую моя бабушка готовила для меня. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я езжу туда каждые каникулы. Мы даже играли в футбол и теннис! Около леса есть небольшая речка. Мы купались, когда погода была хорошая. Это было здорово! Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.