Simferopol Crimea 03/05/2017 Hi Ben, I am glad to hear from you again. Thank you for your previous letter. Sorry for not writing so long, I was busy with my school project. As for your questions, I like musicals, such as new film "La,La,Land"!I prefer watching films at home lying on the sofa and eating popcorn.At home I can press the pause button when I want and nobody interrupts the view. My favourite actor is Josh Hatcherson from "Hunger Games"! I am glad to hear your news. Are you the best player in the team? Do you keen on any other kind of sport?Will your team take part in next round? I am sorry, but I must finish now. I have to do my homework. Write me if you can. Best wishes. Mia))
1) My voyage is very interesting. How interesting my voyage is! What an interesting voyage! 2) The garden is beautiful. How beautiful the garden is! What a beautiful garden! 3) The man is brave. How brave the man is! What a brave man! 4) The baby is cute. How cute the baby is! What a cute baby! 5) The chair is comfortable. What a comfortable chair! How comfortable the chair is! 6) The sea is warm. How warm the seat is! What a warm sea! 7) The room is tidy. How tidy the room is! What a tidy room! 8) The shirt is fashionable. How fashionable the shirt is! What a fashionable shirt!
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