Last year we decided to go 1)a package holiday somewhere 2)Europe. If 3)we had been more careful when we chose 4) destination! My dad insisted on going to Paris because it reminded him 5)his youth. I 6)we hadn't agreed. We arrived 7)noon and decided to (8)on a guided tour, but Dad wanted to 9) lunch and sample French food. Unfortunately he forgot his doctor's advice to go 10) a diet and had too much seafood. After that he started feeling unwell and went to his room. 'Don't worry!' he said, 'In a few hours we 11) walk under the Eiffel Tower'. But instead of the Tower he 12)the next few days in hospital because he 13) forgotten he's allergic 14) seafood. I wish my dad 15) more careful about his health!
Упражнение 5.
The doctor asked me if something was wrong with me.
The doctor asked me if I sometimes had headaches.
The doctor asked me if I was (можно were) taking some medicine.
The doctor asked me if I spent much time out-of-doors.
The doctor asked me if I did sports.
The doctor asked me if I had a good appetite.
The doctor asked me if I usually went to bed late.
The doctor asked me if I would follow his (или her) advice.
Упражнение 6.
He asked me what I liked about my school.
He asked me what school activity I had had last.
He asked me what good habits I had formed at school.
He asked me what my favorite subject was.
He asked me what more important for me was at school.
He asked me how often I went on school trips.
He asked me what my school record was.
Упражнение 7.
He asked me how I was (или were).
He asked me how long I had been away.
He asked me if I was going away again.
He asked me what I would do in future.
He asked me why I had come back.
He asked me what I was doing then.
He asked me if I had made new friends.
He asked me where I was living then.
Упражнение 8.
She asked him if Molly could speak English.
She asked him when Rick had come home the day before.
She asked him if Megan liked travelling.
She asked him if he would come to her place on Friday.
She asked him if it was his second visit to English.
She asked him why he had come to Scotland.
She asked him if Molly would stay at the hotel long.
Упражнение 9.
He asked me why she was working so late.
He asked me if she was British.
He asked me what her name was.
He asked me what she had bought.
She asked me if she would have something to eat.
She asked me if they had got some money.
She asked me how I had done that.