1. Mary 's parents died when she was in her teens, so she didn't have a very happy childhood. 2. An uncle of mine had been a stepfather for many years, but he died last year. His wife is very kind to her nieces and treats them as a real mother would do. They love and respect their stepmother. 3. After his father's death Nicholas's uncle decided to find work for his nephew. 4. During the wedding ceremony the groom gives the bride а wedding ring, and the bride sometimes gives the groom one. At last the religious official says, "I now pronounce you a husband and a wife” and the couple is married.
Привет, дорогой друг! Как твои дела? Скоро конец четверти. Я очень рад(а)! Ведь целую неделю я буду отдыхать! Ох,высплюсь я! Буду вставать не раньше девяти часов утра. Лениво потягиваться и идти умываться. Далее завтрак. Ну,и мультки конечно. Кстати,какой твой любимый мультик? Потом я пойду гулять на весь день со своими лучшими друзьями. Мы покатаемся на горках,побегаем,поиграем в прятки. Будет очень весело! Довольный и уставший я приду домой,поем и усну с книжкой в руках. Жду с нетерпением выходных! А как ты проведешь каникулы? С наилучшими пожеланиями (имя). надеюсь с: ввели это в переводчике,я не увидела что тебе на англ. надо
1. Mary 's parents died when she was in her teens, so she didn't have a very happy childhood. 2. An uncle of mine had been a stepfather for many years, but he died last year. His wife is very kind to her nieces and treats them as a real mother would do. They love and respect their stepmother. 3. After his father's death Nicholas's uncle decided to find work for his nephew. 4. During the wedding ceremony the groom gives the bride а wedding ring, and the bride sometimes gives the groom one. At last the religious official says, "I now pronounce you a husband and a wife” and the couple is married.