1) Last year Victor was abroad. He went to the capital of England. 2) Red Square is in Moscow. 3) Is Glasgow a city or a town? 4) Last summer we visited England and saw a lot of interesting things. 5) Three years ago Richard took French lessons. 6) Now my friends and I always meet at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and do a lot of things together. 7) We never run in the park in the morning, we do it in the evening. 8) John usually has five lessons on Wednesday but last Wednesday he had four. 9) Three weeks ago Andrew visited his sister Sue. Sue lives in the capital of France. Paris is a beautiful city. 10) There are no shops in Green Square now.
1. Last year Viktor WAS adroad. He GOES to the capital of England. 2. Red Square IS in Moscow. 3. IS Glasgow a city or a town? 4. Last summer we VIZITED England and SAW a lot of interesting things. 5. Three years ago Richard TOOK French lessons. 6. Now my friends and I always MEET at 4 o,clock in the afternoon and DO a lot of things together. 7. We never RAN in the park in the morning, we do it in the evening. 8. John usually HAS five lessons on Wednesday but last Wednesday he HAD four. 9. Three weeks ago Andrew VISITED his sister Sue. Sue LIVES in the capital of France. Paris IS a beautiful city. 10. There ARE no shops in Green Square now.
Потому что countable это те которые можно посчитать , а апельсины можно посчитать)))