1. They are concerned about earning profit for their efforts, but they are also concerned about their responsibilities to the consumer. 2. Sooner or later consumers will identify irresponsible firms and refuse to trade with them. 3. Those firms that acquire a reputation for high quality, informative and convenient packaging, labeling and consumer safety are likely to succeed. 4. The consumer has the right to expect that the product will do what it is responsible to do for a reasonable length of time. 5. Once a standard of quality has been established by a company, it should not be lowered, and it is the responsiblity of workers and managers to see that it is not. 6 Firms that pay close attention to advertising and develop procedures for monitoring the quality of their products and services are likely to be more successful than those who don't. 7. Packaging can perform a number of valuable functions.
1. какие виды искусства из приведенного выше списка можно назвать изобразительным 2. какую роль играет искусство в жизни людей 3. Когда же искусство началось? какие периоды в истории известны великими произведения искусства? 4. какие страны славятся великой литературой. изобразительным искусством. театра и кино 5. , что ставит во всем мире с особым искусством? 6. Что мы обычно подразумеваем, когда мы говорим о первобытного искусства. Древнее искусство / классического искусства. современное искусство? 7. куда вы идете, если вы хотите наслаждаться искусством?
The bus stops at the end of the street.