1. The print media are newspapers, magazines and directories. 2. Advertising the benefits of the organization tries to create or maintain a positive image of the company among consumers 3. Any advertising company starts with the advertiser. 4. Newspaper advertising is the most common in the world 5. For many companies, advertising is the most effective type of promotion of goods or services 6. Advertisers can choose different means of dissemination of information. 7. The sponsor pays for the placement of the message in the media
1. я потерял свои ботинки. Я не могу их найти.
А) проиграл Б) проигрываю в) проиграл г) проиграл
2. она счастливо улыбнулась, открывая подарок.
А) счастливый Б) более счастливый в) более счастливый г) счастливо
3. я не хочу водить машину. Я боюсь попасть в аварию.
А) иметь б) иметь В) иметь Г) иметь
4. знаете ли вы ту девушку, которая пострадала в аварии?
А) какой б) кто в) кого г) чей
5. Вчера он был болен. Теперь он здоров.
А) мелко Б) плохо в) хорошо г) хорошо
6. мама заставляет меня есть суп каждый день.
А) есть Б) есть в) есть Г) есть
7. Христофор Колумб открыл Америку в 1492 году.
А) нашел б) открыл в) открыл г) изобрел
8. у Тима две машины. Оба они новые.
А) Ни Один Б) Ни Один В) Оба Г) Любой
9. прекратите болтать! Ты действуешь мне на нервы.
А) с Б) на В) на Г) по
10. как общаются слепые?
А) жалюзи Б) слепые в) слепые люди Г) слепые
11. Что бы вы сделали, если бы нашли кошелек, полный денег?
А) вы сделаете б) сделали ли вы в) Сделали бы Вы г) сделаете ли вы
12. они предсказывают хорошую погоду, но я в это не верю.
А) А Б) --- В) Г)
13. У вас не было выбора, не так ли?
А) сделал б) имел в) не имел Г) не имел
14. я знаю ее хорошо - лучше, чем кто-либо другой.
А) лучше б) лучше В) хуже Г) лучше
15. Если такси опоздает, мы опоздаем на самолет.
А) более поздно Б) В последнее время В) поздно г) позже
16. у нас не так много картошки.
А) много Б) много в) много г) немного
17. в чашке мало молока.
А) немного Б) несколько в) большинство г) много
18. его отец был великим писателем. Книги, которые он написал, продаются по всему миру.
А) А, А, Б) А, В) А, Г) а, - - -,
19. Вы когда-нибудь были в Италии?
А) в Б) В В) В Г) в
20. Почему вы тратите так много денег на игрушки?
А) для Б) В В) при г) на
Stop At: Golden Gate
The Golden Gate is a symbol of Kiev, the oldest defence structure of Kievan Rus that survived until now. It is the main gate of ancient Kiev. It was built by the decree of Yaroslav the Wise in 1037. The height of the defensive fortifications of the city of Yaroslav with fences reached a total of 16 m, a width is 20 m, and at the bottom with slopes – up to 27 m.
Duration: 10 minutes
Stop At: Saint Sophia Cathedral
The St. Sophia’s Cathedral is the greatest architectural structure, built by Yaroslav the Wise the Grand Prince in 1037. It preserved until now not only the richness of ancient architecture, but also the picturesque decoration of the 11th century, mainly mosaics and frescoes. Religious and state ideas of that time were embodied in the artistic image of Sophia of Kiev. The ensemble of mosaics is decorated with the main altar of the St. Sofia’s Temple. St. Sophia Cathedral is included in the UNESCO’s World Heritage List.
Duration: 10 minutes
Stop At: St Michael's Golden Domed Monastery
St. Michael’s Golden-domed Cathedral is the oldest and greatest Orthodox shrine of Kiev, founded by the grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, Sviatopolk Iziaslavovych the Prince on the territory of the Dmitriivskyi Monastery according to the chronicle in 1108 and it is dedicated to Michael the Archangel the heavenly patron.
Duration: 10 minutes
Stop At: Park Landscape Alley
The Landscape Avenue was founded at the beginning of 1980s. The avenue lies along the line of defense constructions of the Х–ХІІІ centuries of historical Upper city. According to the project, the Landscape Avenue was supposed to be a part of the historical reserve “Ancient Kyiv”, including the archaeological, historical and urban museums. The nearby mountains (Castle, Starokyivska, Detynets and Vozdyhalnytsia) were also planned to be improved.
Duration: 10 minutes
Stop At: Andriyivski Uzviz
In the period of Kievan Rus Andriivsky Descent was the shortest route to get from the Upper City to the Lower city. The street acquired its name in honor of St. Andrew the First-Called. Rising on a steep descent merchants lost the goods, which fell from the wagons, and since then the saying had appeared: “There is no use crying over spilt milk”. People also call the descent the capital’s street of red lanterns. The most significant development of the Andriivsky Descent was conducted at the turn of the XIX–XX century. The well-known personalities – scientists, artists, writers, sculptors, composers began to settle on the street. This descent is one of the favorite places for the guests of the capital and the Kievans.
Duration: 20 minutes
Stop At: St. Andrew's Church
The St. Andrew’s Church built by the order of Elizabeth the Empress as part of the Kiev royal residence, consisting of the Mariinskyi Palace and the palace church in 1749–1754 in the Baroque style designed by F.-B. Rastrelli. The temple is built on a steep spur of the Ancient Kiev Plateau, which served as a pedestal for the construction of the church.
Duration: 10 minutes
Stop At: Mikhail Bulgakov Museum
From 1906 to 1919 years the world-famous writer Mikhail Bulgakov lived and worked in the Building No. 13 located on the Andriivskyi Descent. Today it is the only museum in the world where Bulgakov’s relics are collected. The decision to create a literary-memorial museum of Mikhail Bulgakov was made in 1989. Only in 1993, the museum began to be visited. Today it’s not just a building, it’s a Legend-House.
Duration: 5 minutes
Stop At: One Street Museum
Museum of One Street – the first private museum in Kyiv, whose collection is dedicated to the history of St. Andrew’s descent and its inhabitants. For the exposition were used items from the turn of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century. Getting here, plunging into a nostalgic atmosphere, as if travelling by the time machine. Here you can imagine what the boudoir looked like with a full set of ladies’ toilet items, a dining room with a table, interiors of workshops and shops. In the museum, retro music plays, which gives exploration to the realities of the past. The museum amounts more than 6 thousand exhibits – old photographs, engravings, ladies’ dresses, umbrellas and hats, men’s tuxedos and cylinders, gloves, handbags, playing cards, banknotes, phonographs and cutlery, American typewriter, National cash register – evidence of a bygone era.
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1. The print media are newspapers, magazines and directories. 2. Advertising the benefits of the organization tries to create or maintain a positive image of the company among consumers 3. Any advertising company starts with the advertiser. 4. Newspaper advertising is the most common in the world 5. For many companies, advertising is the most effective type of promotion of goods or services 6. Advertisers can choose different means of dissemination of information. 7. The sponsor pays for the placement of the message in the media