ответ:1. the President arrived in the country On a three-day visit.
2. I need to buy shoes. Do you know where the Shoe Department is? (department)
3. No one knew what to say, and there was a minute's silence.
4. on the table lay the remnants of yesterday's dinner, when in the morning he went down to the
dining room
5. it seems to Me that the problem of "fathers and children" is an eternal problem.
6. This road is closed. Road works are underway.
7. the richest deposits of oil are located in the United Arab Emirates.
8. Problems that humanity (mankind) faced (face) at the end of the twentieth century
this is pollution of the soil, air and water, as well as the "greenhouse effect".
9. after a two-hour walk, everyone wanted to eat.
10. one of the artist's most famous paintings is a portrait of Rembrandt's wife
дрожал под засаленной курткой.
- Ты чего, малый? - спросила Ваню бабка Анисья; она привела
к ветеринару свою козу.- Чего вы слезы
льете? Случилось что?
- Пожженный он на пожаре, дедушкин заяц, - сказал тихо Ваня. -Бегать не может. Вот-вот умрет.
- Не умрет, малый Анисья. -- Скажи дедушке, ежели
хочет зайца выходить, пущай несет его к Карлу
Ваня вытер слезы и побежал босиком по песчаной дороге домой, на Урженское озеро.