1. The head chef has to plan daily meals.
Who has to plan daily meals?
What kind of meals does the head chef have to plan?
What does the head chef have to do?
What does the head chef have to plan?
2. In a small hotel the manager may be the owner of the hotel.
Where may the manager be the owner of the hotel?
Who may be the owner of the hotel in a small hotel?
What may the manager be the owner of?
3. The concierge can book theatre tickets.
Who can book theatre tickets?
What can the concierge book?
What kind of tickets can the concierge book?
4. Hotel managers must offer hospitality to their guests.
Who must offer hospitality to their guests?
What must hotel managers offer to their guests?
Who must hotel managers offer hospitality to?
5. In some hotels the concierge may be in charge of room keys.
Where may the concierge be in charge of room keys?
Who may be in charge of room keys in some hotels?
What may the concierge be in charge of?
What kind of keys may the concierge be in charge of?
6. The receptionist must send the signed registration cards to the cashier's office.
Who must send the signed registration cards to the cashier's office?
What must the receptionist send to the cashier's office?
What kind of cards must the receptionist send to the cashier's office?
Where must the receptionist send the signed registration cards to?
7. Receptionists may take messages for the hotel guests when they are out.
Who may take messages for the hotel guests when they are out?
What may receptionists take for the hotel guests?
Who may receptionists take messages for?
When may receptionists take messages for the hotel guests?
8. The concierge has to speak different foreign languages to the hotel guests.
Who has to speak different foreign languages to the hotel guests?
What does the concierge have to do?
What kind of languages does the concierge have to speak?
Who does the concierge have to speak different foreign languages to?
9. The front office employees must speak foreign languages because
they have to help guests from other countries.
Who must speak foreign languages to help guests from other countries?
What kind of employees must speak foreign languages?
What must the front office employees do?
Why must the front office employees speak foreign languages?
10. Booking clerks have to answer a lot of phone calls.
Who has to answer a lot of phone calls?
What kind of clerks have to answer a lot of phone calls?
What do booking clerks have to do?
How many phone calls do booking clerks have to answer?
11. The front desk clerks can help visitors in many ways.
Who can help visitors in many ways?
What kind of clerks can help visitors in many ways?
What can the front desk clerks do?
Whom can the front desk clerks help in many ways?
How can the front desk clerks help visitors?
12. The receptionist must help guests with the hotel formalities.
Who must help guests with the hotel formalities?
What must the receptionist do?
Whom must the receptionist help?
What must the receptionist help guests with?
What kind of formalities must the receptionist help guests with?
13. The assistant manager can manage the hotel when the general manager is absent.
Who can manage the hotel when the general manager is absent?
What kind of manager can manage the hotel when the general manager is absent?
What can the assistant manager do when the general manager is absent?
When can the assistant manager manage the hotel?
14. The concierge must help guests with letters and packages.
Who must help guests with letters and packages?
What must the concierge do?
Whom must the concierge help with letters and packages?
What must the concierge help guests with?
Тяжела жизнь крестьянина. Городской житель может лишь представить себе эту жизнь, жизнь человека, каждый день которого это тяжелый физический труд. День ото дня крестьянину приходится выполнять множество работ. Основными занятиями крестьянина являются земледелие и животноводство. Также крестьяне занимаются садоводством, пчеловодством, кузнечным делом и различными ремеслами, изготавливают себе одежду, посуду, обувь.
Утро крестьянина начинается задолго до того, как просыпаются городские жители – с рассветом и криком петухов. За день крестьянину предстоит сделать очень многое. Первым делом ему нужно накормить скотину. Во дворе у крестьянина можно встретить разных животных, таких как гуси, куры, козы и свиньи. После того как крестьянин покормит животных он обычно приступает к дойке коров и уборке хлева.
Затем крестьянин приступает к скромному завтраку, который чаще всего состоит из каши, хлеба, сала и молока. Еда на крестьянском столе однообразная и скудная, ведь приходится на всем экономить. После сытного завтрака крестьянин отправляется в поле, где ему предстоит хорошо потрудится над будущим урожаем, но даже упорный труд не дает гарантии получить хороший урожай. Крестьянина кормит земля, а она нуждается в постоянном уходе. Работу в поле приходится начинать с утра пораньше, пока солнце еще не слишком высоко.
Чтобы не голодать зимой крестьянин вынужден большую часть времени проводить в поле с лопатой, граблями и плугом вспахивая землю. Женщины, чтобы скрасить свою работу поют. Не сидят без дела и дети взрослым выгуливать и пасти скот.
Большую часть работы крестьянин старается закончить до обеда. На обед крестьянин отправляется домой, чтобы поесть и хоть немного передохнуть. Нередко обед крестьянина проходит в поле и состоит из небольшого перекуса.
Эссе. Я сделал свой читательский выбор ОТВЕТ ЛУЧШИМ
1. She bought an amazing pink cotton dress.
2. I can't wear these ugly old leather shoes.
3.You have got beautiful big green eyes.
4.She married a handsome tall young man.
5.The found a strange small round box.
1 opinion - unusual, lovely, beautiful
2 size - big, small, tall
3 physical quality - thin, rough, untidy
4 shape - round, square, rectangular
5 age - young, old, youthful
6 colour - blue, red, pink
7 origin - Dutch, Japanese, Turkish
8 material - metal, wood, plastic
9 type - four-sided, U-shaped
10 purpose - cleaning, hammering, cooking