Geneva is the second biggest city in the Switzerland. it is located next to Lake Geneva and near the Rhone River. The Alps and Jura mountain ranges are on either side of it. In winter it is very cold and temperatures may reach -10 c with lots of frost and ice in the mornings but in summer it is hot and humid.
The old roof has been repaired
Some inner walls have been moved
All the windows have been replaced
All the inner doors have been repainted
A new exterior door has been bought
A new bathroom has been built
Central heating has been installed
Exterior walls have been insulated
New plumbing systems have been used
New floors have been laid
1)Have you been promised money? Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud.
2)Have you been contacted by us for research?
3) Have anybody been ever satisfied with Dell products?
4) Has the flight been cancelled? There is no announcement on the departure board.
5) Has the issue been resolved? Please, let us know.
6) Have you been ever stopped by the police? I'm just curious to know.
7) Has your computer been blocked by pop-up virus? Contact your technical support immediately.
8) Have you been fired? You need to prepare for job interviews as soon as you can.
9) Has your baggage been damaged? Any damage or loss should be reported in writing.
10) Have you been rejected by a girl? Don't panic. there are plenty more fish in the sea
I love to play sports. But my most favorite sport is football. Football is very spectacular kind of sports. There are a lot football teams, football events, fan clubs in almost every country of the world. Some football players are world-famous, they make excellent careers and take part in each championship. Football matches attract a lot of spectators, who come to support their favourites.
Я люблю заниматься спортом. Но мой самый любимый вид спорта - это футбол.Футбол это очень зрелищный вид спорта. Существует множество футбольных команд, футбольных мероприятий, клубов болельщиков почти в каждой стране мира. Некоторые игроки имеют мировую известность; они делают великолепную карьеру и принимают участие в каждом чемпионате. Футбольные матчи привлекают массу зрителей, которые приходят поддержать своих любимцев.
Трафальгарская площадь находится в центре Лондона, но хорошо известна во всем мире.Площадь знаменита Колонной Нельсона. Есть четыре льва в нижней части колонны. Вы можете увидеть прекрасные фонтаны и исторические памятники на площади. Когда проходят национальные праздники, Трафальгарская площадь полна туристов. Они фотографируются, ходят вокруг площади, и наслаждаются достопримечательностями. В декабре там стоит Рождественская елка в центре площади. Она знаменует собой начало Рождества и Нового года в Великобритании.
Geneva is the second biggest city in the Switzerland. it is located next to Lake Geneva and near the Rhone River. The Alps and Jura mountain ranges are on either side of it. In winter it is very cold and temperatures may reach -10 c with lots of frost and ice in the mornings but in summer it is hot and humid.
The old roof has been repaired
Some inner walls have been moved
All the windows have been replaced
All the inner doors have been repainted
A new exterior door has been bought
A new bathroom has been built
Central heating has been installed
Exterior walls have been insulated
New plumbing systems have been used
New floors have been laid
1)Have you been promised money? Be careful, you can become a victim of fraud.
2)Have you been contacted by us for research?
3) Have anybody been ever satisfied with Dell products?
4) Has the flight been cancelled? There is no announcement on the departure board.
5) Has the issue been resolved? Please, let us know.
6) Have you been ever stopped by the police? I'm just curious to know.
7) Has your computer been blocked by pop-up virus? Contact your technical support immediately.
8) Have you been fired? You need to prepare for job interviews as soon as you can.
9) Has your baggage been damaged? Any damage or loss should be reported in writing.
10) Have you been rejected by a girl? Don't panic. there are plenty more fish in the sea