The inventive method makes it possible to reduce the time of recovering of people working in extreme conditions.
A number of species can survive and even flourish in extreme conditions.
The radio is designed to operate in extreme conditions.He conducted extensive research on the physiological changes in animals and humans in extreme conditions.Temporary typists have also had to work at times in extreme conditions, such as the corridors or in shifts.Owing to the wide variety of extreme environments, deep-sea ecosystems provide examples of molecular adaptation to extreme conditions, all of which may help understand the selective processes that allow evolution and persistence of life forms in extreme conditions.The inequality and plurality which are reflected in extreme conditions among the indigenous peoples are considered to be unresolved key national problems that will have an impact on the definition of the model of national development in the economic and political spheres.
1. Улыбающаяся девушка, пишущий мальчик, смеющийся ребенок, играющие дети, падающее дерево, спящий человек, ожидающие вас люди, гуляющая пара, развивающаяся страна, увеличивающаяся пропорция, читающая аудитория, торговая страна/держава, летящая птица, танцующий ребенок.
2. A sleeping child. A working woman. The growing child. The opening gate. The man looking at me. Workers, beginning their work. The boy, catching birds. The animal, drinking water. The bridge, connecting the two sides of the river.
1 hardly
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1 so
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