3)to buy
между глаголами используется to - поэтому
I want to buy a new car.
my favorite book is harry potter. this book wrote a wonderful writer joan rowling.
i really love the harry potter books because they are very interesting, in the books there is always intrigue,friendship,love, a lot of adventures and funny events.
the book tells about such a thing as a which it leads, and that there should be a series of incredible events.
this book is so popular that for her film.
i'm looking forward to the eighth book, and let the characters grew up, their adventures never will be not interesting.
the book teaches friendship,kindness, care, and life, of course.
союз although используется для выражения противопоставления или контраста. переводится на язык: хотя, не смотря на.
although обычно ставится в начале или в середине предложения, а за ним следуют подлежащее и сказуемое.
примеры предложений
although the traffic was bad, we were only 5 minutes late. хотя дорожное движение было плохим, мы опоздали всего на 5 минут.
although he’s very tall, he wasn’t accepted into basketball team. хотя он высокий, его не приняли в баскетбольную команду.
although there was a lot of noise in the flat, i fell asleep immediately. хотя в квартире было много шума, я уснул сразу же.
the trip was very boring, although it was well-organized. поездка была скучной, хотя и была хорошо организована.
I want to buy a new car