George Washington was the first president of the United States. He lived in a beautiful home in Virginia. His mother had a special garden with a beautiful little cherry tree. Everyone loved that cherry tree. One day George got a hatchet as a present. He decided to try the hatchet. He went to the cherry tree and chopped it down. As soon as he saw the tree on the ground, he felt terrible. He walked sadly back to the house and went to his room. He didn\t play that afternoon. He didn't eat hat evening. That night George’s father said, “Someone chopped down our cherry tree.” George decided to tell his father. He walked toward his father and said, “I did it. I chopped it down with my new hatchet. I cannot tell a lie.” “Thank you for telling the truth,” his father said … .
То День покровителя Ирландии. Святой Патрик, по преданию, принёс христианство на языческий остров и изгнал всех змей. В отличие от жителей других стран Объединенного Королевства, ирландцы очень активно отмечают день Святого Патрика. Яркие шествия, парады и гулянья людей, переодетых в зелёное (национальный цвет Ирландии) заметны всюду, где проживают ирландцы. В петлицу в этот день вдевают клевер, символ Ирландии и удачи. Then the Day of the patron saint of Ireland. St. Patrick, according to tradition, brought Christianity to a pagan island and drove out all the snakes. Unlike residents of other countries of the United Kingdom, the Irish are very active in celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Bright marches, parades and festivities of people dressed in green (the national color of Ireland) are visible everywhere where the Irish live. In the buttonhole on this day, clover, a symbol of Ireland and good luck.