Виконати завдання:
1) buy2) polite: 3) cash; 4) sell; 5) try on 6) seller: 7) food; 8) dis
counts; 9) exciting; 10) convenient, 11) pay: 12) offer: 13) cheap;
14) customer 15) expensive: 16) various, 17) shop assistant; 18) baker;
19) wrap: 20) suit 21) choose, 22) look around pharmacy; 23) shopping
mall, 24) credit card,
2) The girl's skirt is red
3) She wants to take your daughter's pencil
4) She often shows me her sister's letter
5) Bring me the toys of your children
6) This is family of my friend
7) Mother of my friend is a teacher
8) Who's bag is this? - This is Misha's bag
9) Do you know where is book of my mother? - She is on the table
10) Cat's eyes are green
11) Children's toys in a large box
12) I love my husband's books
13) Yesterday children found a bird's nest14) This is my friend's family. My friend's father is an engineer. Mothermy friend is a teacher
15) I like this boy's handwriting
16) I hear my sister's voice
17) This is my grandmother's chair