Кот черный. Он любит кур. Она не умеет плавать. Крокодил сильный, Он может напрыгнуть и "sim?"
2) -do you think they will finish the essay by tomorrow?
-yes, i'm sure they will finish.
3) i am sure: he will become a great scientist.
4) they are going to move to a new house.
5) -lucy will come to school tomorrow?
-i'm not sure about this, i'll call her.
6) -you have already done your homework?
-no, i'll do it now.
7) -i solve the problem in physics.
-i will help you.
8) i think john will come to school today.
9) he will be gone by the time we arrive.
10) -they will come in an hour.
-don't worry. i will finish cooking by then.
11) -here, take the pen.
-thank you, i'll give it in a minute.
Кошка чёрная. Она любит куриц. Она не может плавать. Крокодил сильный. Он может прыгать и плавать.