1. Ann is a doctor. - b) глагол-связка
2.They are testing a new machine now. - с) вс глагол
3. We are to write this test .
- d) модальный глагол
4. Yesterday our engineer was in Moscow . - а)смысловой глагол
5 . You are to do this work in time .
- d) модальный глагол
6. Are you a teacher or not?
- b) глагол-связка
7.Who are you? - b) глагол-связка
8.Is she a student or a pupil?
- b) глагол-связка
9. Where is the nearest stahion?
- b) глагол-связка
10.This book is translated into English and German. - с) вс глагол
11. The operators were working in the lab from ten til twelve.
- с) вс глагол
12. The train is to arrive soon.
- d) модальный глагол
13. Who is to sign this contract?
- d) модальный глагол
1. The official name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK for short).
2. The United Kingdom comprises England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
3. The country territory is 93,628 square miles (242,500 km²).
4. The UK is one of the most densely populated countries.
5. It is a constitutional monarchy.
6. The official head of the state is the Queen.
7. The House of Commons and the House of Lords are chambers of the British Parliament.
8. The British Prime Minister is Boris Johnson
9. English is the official language of the state.
10. London is the capital of Great Britain.
It is the country with old cultural traditions and customs.
11. Great Britain is one of the world’s the most highly developed industrial powers.
12. It is also one of the most powerful countries in the world.