In one quiet,darkened by nothing evening a young man by name Oscar went out from the home to the forest.He was a very young boy and that interest that he tested to his business was a not nearly child. Oscar went out on the edge of a forest and got up in the middle of emptiness appearing at back of the forest. He heaved up hands upwards and scream the words, that were clear only to him. And here from darkness stand figure, dark figures that scream yammering, yammering that beasts can publish only. With every moment they grew and grew. And here on a moment stopping they suddenly moved from a place. These were creatures similar to the emaciated birds, and can be to their skeletons. They squealed and gave up the black clouds of dust in earth. Oscar stood with an open mouth, he enjoyed of his work. Now though one day in a year there will be the real holiday in the world. And people will yell and flame and given up in water. And all of it will be subject only to Oscar. Thats now its a real Halloween.
Ладно, только я буду рассказывать свою историю, ок?
When I was in my early teens, I liked spending time in summer camps. It was fun and exciting. I made a lot of friends there. Once we, I and my 3 friends, were getting back from the camp canteen after the late supper. It was dark and the illumination was poor. We were chatting and playing fool, when I saw a glimming round object in the booshes to the left side of the alley. There was something unusual about it. Suddenly I understood that the object lookes like a big eye and it was blinking. There have to be two eyes, - I thought and got scared. Can you see that too, guy? - I asked. What's that? - they replied and looked the way I was ponting my trembling finger. They saw it too, and we went running in fear from that place.