The various parts of our mouth (1) e) contribute to the range of functions of the human body.
The (2) g) oral cavity serves for the intake and preparation of food for the digestive process. It breaks food into small particles and moves it into the (3) a) pharynx.
(4) m) Teeth hold, cut, (5) h) tear, and grind our food. Without teeth, we could eat only soft foods. Although the main task of (6) k) chewing and grinding the food is done by our teeth, several other parts of the mouth contribute to this function.
The tongue is much more than a (7) d) strong muscle used for moving the food in the mouth. It is the key organ for the (8) i) sensation of taste. Around 10.000 small bulblike sensory structures located at the sides and base of the tongue, called (9) b) taste buds, enable us to (10) n) distinguish flavors and warn us when food is unfit to eat.
The mouth is essential for speech. With the relative positioning of our teeth, (11) c) cheeks, (12) o) lips, and tongue we can control the air flow through the mouth creating different sounds and (13) l) forming words when we speak. This alteration of the inner shape of the mouth in combination with the (14) f) position of the lips modifies the sounds produced by the (15) j) vocal cords in such a way that they become recognizable as speech.
*11 и 12 можно поменять местами - на смысл это не повлияет
Friendship is the most valuable and precious bond in our lives.
As human beings, we are meant to make friends easily because we are meant for living together as a group.
Friendship comes with its own baggage of good and bad.
İt is with our friends that we can share our feeling wich would otherwise cannot be shared with family.
The only memories that we have of our schools and colleges is that of our friends and the good times we had.
İt does not matter how large or small your circle of friends is, as long as they are your true friends.
Art of making friendship need not be taught and it is imbibed into us right from our childhood.
Maintaining old friendships is far more challenging than making new friends.
A little bit of sacrifices and compromises are needed maintain good friends in your life.
Not every friendship in your life is meant to be forever. Life is a continuous journey of making and breaking friendships and that is a beauty of it.
1) to skate
2) like
3) are
5) hasnt
7) do