Объедините два предложення в одно, используя причастие І. 1.Jane was watching a TV program for accountants. She fell asleep. 2. Julia was training to be a good programming operator. She lived in America for 5 years. 3.Mark was studying the computer software documents. He found some mistakes. 4. They were watching TV. They heard the news about an accident in Milan 5.He looked out of the window. He saw how a stranger was trying to open the door of his neighbour's car. 6.She came into the hotel room. She saw somebody was trying to steal her camera. а также остальное
2 Hello John. Oh, no, it's a message. He isn't there. Mmm. John, please listen to this message. Can you go to the shops and get some things for dinner? We need (1) SOME fish, and (2) A box of eggs. Mmm. I think we have (3) SOME potatoes, but we don't have (4) ANY onions. Do we have (5) ANY carrots? Can you check? Please buy (6) SOME cheese, and I'd like (7) A carton of orange juice. That's it. Oh... we don't have (8)ANY butter - can you get some? Thanks. See you later.
3. A: Hello, Mrs Lovett. How are you ? B: Oh, hello Sonia. (1) I 'm fine thanks. A: How's your husband? B: (2) HE 's fine. He works in the supermarket now. A: Yes, I know. I see (3) HIM when I do my shopping. And how are the twins, Jake and Jerry? B: Oh. (4)THEY are very well. A: Do they go to school on the hus? B: No. l take (5) THEM with (6) ___ __ in the car every morning. A: Who is their teacher? B: It's Mrs Moore. Do you know (7) HER? A: Yes, I do. (8) SHE lives in our street. She always says 'Hello' to (9)ME.
6 что-то не могу сообразить что там " нет, я забираю ИХ с на машине каждое утро..."
1) Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night.
A UFO in the sky above London was seen by some people last night.
2) They reported it to the police.
The police was reported about it.
3) The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely.
A helicopter was sent by the army to look at it more closely.
4) The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed both men in it.
The helicopter was shot down by the UFO and both men in the helicopter were killed.
5) People have given photographs of the UFO to the police.
The police have been given some photographs of the UFO by the people.
6) Experts are looking at them now.
They are looking by experts now.