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02.06.2023 23:31 •  Английский язык

1) Образуйте форму глаголов с окончанием –ing.
Н-р: walk – walking
2) Переведите предложения в настоящем продолженном времени.
Хелен покупает помидоры на рынке.
Маленький Том плачет в спальне.
Идет дождь.
Мы играем в теннис с друзьями.
Мама готовит куриный суп.
Обезьянки едят бананы на дереве.
Мой брат учит стишок.
Куда идет твой отец?
Что ты читаешь?
Почему он спит сейчас?
Где играют твои дети?
Поезд не движется.
Мальчики не танцуют.
Джек и Джейн не мне.
Учитель не смотрит на нас.

3) Составьте предложения в the Present Continuous Tense.

Н-р: I/play/tennis/with/my/friend/now.- I’m playing tennis with my friend now.

We/walk/on/the/ beach/now.
They/have/a/great/time/at/the/camp/at/the/ moment.
Tina/ and/Pam/stay/in/a/five-star/hotel.
It/rain/outdoors/at/the/ moment.
The/ dog/bark/at/some/strangers.
The/girls/choose/the/ costumes/for/the/party.
We/wait/for/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop.

4) Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму. Переведите.
Alice and Ron … (to sit) in a cafe now.
It … (not to snow) outdoors now.
We …(to wait) for our teacher in the classroom.
I … (to watch) the children playing in the yard.
The girls … (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis.
Andrew … (not to have) a rest at the moment.
Look! All the people … (to come) into the hall.
Unfortunately our experiment… (not to go) according to the plan.
Pam … (to stand) too close to the road.
The students … (not to have) a lecture now.
Her health … (to improve) day after day.
The rainforests … (to disappear) from our planet nowadays.
The baby-sitter … (not to look) after the child because the child … (to sleep) now.
Look! The guide … (topoint) at some ancient building.
I… (not to discuss) this question now.


Have - having

come - coming

listen - listening

buy- buying

swim - swimming

put - putting

use - using

stop - stopping

drive - driving

win - winning


Хелен покупает помидоры на рынке.

Hellen is buying some tomatoes in the market now.

Маленький Том плачет в спальне.

Little Tom is crying in his bedroom now.

Идет дождь.

It is raining now.

Мы играем в теннис с друзьями.

We are playing tennis with friends now.

Мама готовит куриный суп.

Mom is cooking chicken soup now.

Обезьянки едят бананы на дереве.

The monkeys are eating bananas in a tree.

Мой брат учит стишок.

My brother is learning a poem.

Куда идет твой отец?

Where is your father going?

Что ты читаешь?

What are you reading?

Почему он спит сейчас?

Why is he sleeping now?

Где играют твои дети?

Where are your children playing?

Поезд не движется.

The train is not moving

Мальчики не танцуют.

The boys are not dancing

Джек и Джейн не мне.

Jack and Jane are not helping me

Учитель не смотрит на нас.

The teacher is not looking at us.


We/walk/on/the/ beach/now.

We are walking on the beach now

They/have/a/great/time/at/the/camp/at/the/ moment.

They are having a great time at the camp at the moment.


Angela is painting a beautiful picture now.

Tina/ and/Pam/stay/in/a/five-star/hotel.

Tina and Pam are staying in a five -star hotel.

It/rain/outdoors/at/the/ moment.

It is raining outdoors at the moment


Bobby is preparing for the test in his room

The/ dog/bark/at/some/strangers.

The dog is barking at some strangers


The water in the kettle is boiling


Somebody knocked at the door.


The children are still sleeping


You are watching the sunset now

The/girls/choose/the/ costumes/for/the/party.

The girls are choosing the costumes for the party

We/wait/for/the/bus/at/the/ bus-stop.

We are waiting for the bus at the bus-stop


A little girl is crying


Alice and Ron are sitting (to sit) in a cafe now.

Алиса и Рон сейчас сидят в кафе

It is not snowing (not to snow) outdoors now.

На улице сейчас не идет снег

We are waiting (to wait) for our teacher in the classroom.

Мы ждём нашего учителя в классе

I Am watching (to watch) the children playing in the yard.

Я слежу за детьми, играющими во дворе

The girls are arguing (to argue) about what present to buy for Lewis.

Девочки ссорятся по поводу того, какой подарок купить Левису.

Andrew is not having (not to have) a rest at the moment.

Сейчас Андрей не отдыхает

Look! All the people Are coming (to come) into the hall.

Смотри! Все люди сейчас идут в холл.

Unfortunately our experiment is not going (not to go) according to the plan.

К несчастью, наш эксперимент не идёт по плану.

Pam is standing (to stand) too close to the road.

Пэм стоит слишком близко к дороге

The students are not having (not to have) a lecture now.

У студентов сейчас не проходит лекция

Her health is improving (to improve) day after day.

Её здоровье улучшается день за днём.

The rainforests are disappearing (to disappear) from our planet nowadays.

Ныне, Тропические леса пропадают с нашей планеты

The baby-sitter is not looking (not to look) after the child because the child is sleeping (to sleep) now.

Няня не следит за ребёнком потому, что ребёнок сейчас спит.

Look! The guide Is top-pointing (topoint) at some ancient building.

Смотрите! Гид указывает на старинное здание.

I am not discussing (not to discuss) this question now.

Я не обсуждаю вопрос сейчас.

4,8(87 оценок)
Открыть все ответы
1 -- 3
2 -- 2
3 -- 4
4 -- 1
5 -- Mary is playing the piano very well, isn't she?
6 -- He was listening to the concert on TV at 7 p.m., wasn't he?
7 -- Have you been to Paris?
8 -- By six o’clock yesterday you had done your homework and at six you were  watching a videofilm.
 9 -- (By 1 o’clock the girl had come home and at two she was having dinner.)
или:  By 4 o'clock the girl came home and at two she was having dinner.
10 --My parents came home by six o’clock.
11 -- The police will have arrested the thief by the next morning.
12 -- If they can do it then they will have fulfilled their mission.

Задание 2

Вставьте соответствующие предлоги:
1. There was a big pot _of_ water at the top _of_ the stove.
2. She spoke English _with_ a French accent.
3. The teacher was pleased _with__ our work.
4. Put these flowers _on_the window-sill.

Задание 3.
1. Dan is in Britain now and he is writing a letter about his holidays.
2. Sam’s future depends on his parents.
3. Now tourists are taking part in a band festival.
4. We have three English lessons a week.
5. You can borrow my umbrella. I don't need it at the moment.
Составьте вопросительное предложение PastSimple из данных слов:
6. When did you last travel by train?
Вставьтеслова will / to be going to.
7. – This room is very hot. – You are right. I will open the window.
8. I am going to move to the country. 
9. My parents are working now.
10. I heard him shouting something from the opposite shore. 
Я слышал, как он кричал что-то с противоположного берега.
Раскройте скобки, употребив ParticipleI. Переведите предложение.
11. She entered the room smiling
Она вошла в комнату улыбаясь. 
12. I wonder if that terrible wind will be blowing tomorrow.” – “Oh, yes. The weather forecast says it will be blowing for another two weeks.

Задание 4. 
Употребите следующие предложения в PastProgressive, уточняя действие наречиями. Образец: I went to the cinema yesterday. – I was going to the cinema yesterday at 3.
1. They watched a good film.
 - They were watching a good film yesterday at 7 p.m.
Поставьте вопросы, на которые нижеследующие предложения могут быть ответами. 
Were you passing the British Museum  yesterday at 5 p.m.
2. Yes, we were passing the British Museum  yesterday at 5 p.m.
Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite или Past Continuous.
3. He was playing computer games from 2 till 3 yesterday. 
4. We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday. 
Употребите Present Perfect.
5. They had known each other since 2013.
6. I have read a lot of Russian books. 
7. They have already/just finished their breakfast.
8. Our children haven’t been at school for a week.
В каждом из следующих предложений допущена ошибка. Исправьте ее и напишите правильный вариант.
9. Now they are playing tennis. 
10. We were listening to the concert yesterday at 4 p. m. 
11. We have known each other for many year. He is my best friend. 
12. He goes to the library every week.

Задание 5.
1. We hope they will have told her the news by the time they come. 
2. She`ll be able to come.
    Она сможет придти.
3. I needn`t walk, there is a bus going there.
    Мне не надо идти пешком, туда ходит автобус.
4. You didn’t thank your grandmother for the lovely gift.
    You ought to have thanked your grandmother for the lovely gift.
5) The notice says that club members mustn't use the pool unattended.
6) You may drive for a year in Britain with an international licence.
7. My grandmother loved music. She could play the piano very well.
Вставьте подходящий модальный глагол или модальный оборот mustn’t or don’t / doesn’t have to.
8. You mustn't forget what I told you. It’s very important!
4,6(76 оценок)

Упражнение 3

Can she play chess?

Can he play hockey?

May they go to the cinema?

May I open the window?

How often must children and adults clean their teeth?

Where must children go to?

What must English learners do every day?

What should you keep tidy?

Should children listen to their parent`s advice?

Should they be polite?

Упражнение 4.

1.your brother/ play/ table tennis/ can? – Yes, he…

Can your brother play table tennis? - Yes, he can.

2. your cousin/ can/ ride a horse? – No, he…

Can your cousin ride a horse? - No, he can't.

3.may/ go to/ I / the cinema/ – Yes, you…

May I go to the cinema? - Yes, you may.

4.late/ may/ come home/ she – No, she…

May she come home late? - No, she may not.

5.learn this poem/ must/ she/ by heart? – Yes, she…

Must she learn this poem by heart? - Yes, she must.

6.books/ how many/ they/ must/read? – Only two.

How many books must they read? - Only two.

7.wear/ smart clothes/ for the party/ should/ they? – Yes,…

Should they wear smart clothes for the party? - Yes, they should.

8.salt/ how much/ should/ put in the dish/ I ? – Just a little.

How much salt should I put in this dish? - Just a little.

9.the student/ mobile/ phones/ use/ can/ at the exams? – No, they…

Can the students use mobile phones at the exams? - No, they can't.

10.children/ come to school / in time/ must? – Yes, they…

Must children come to school in time? - Yes, they must

Упражнение 5.

you can't go to the party

He must take his dog for a walk.

I can help you

He mustn't be late

can his brother speak French?

Paul must go there

You mustn't smoke here.


4,6(88 оценок)
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