Без категории

Русские люди проводят свое свободное время по-разному. Одну
вешь, которую любят они все, это чтение. Русские также любят
ходить в кино и театр
Что касается более активного времяпрепровождения, катание на
лыжах и коньках очень популярны среди людей всех возрастов.
Зимой многие люди катаются на замерших прудах и катках.
Фигурное катание - один из самых важных видов спорта в России.
Русские также известны своими командами по хоккею. Многие топ
игроки в Канаде и Соединенных Штатах родом и России.
Другие занятия в свободное время включают, туризм,
скалолазание, туристические походы и требля на каноэ. Многие
русские участвуют в организованных видах спорта. Футбол -
самый любимый, но многие люди таксике занимаются гимнастикой,
или играют
от в
в волейбол и баскетбол
Летом играют в шахматы в парках. Еще одно хобби
коллекционирование марок и есть тысячи клубов по
коллекционированию марок
Люди разных национальностей в России имеют свои собственные
традиционные типы упражнений. Например, якуты и Центральной
Сибири очень хорошие наездники на оленях, а буряты в восточной
Сибири любят стрельбу и лука.​


Russian people spend their free time in different ways. One

the thing that they all love is reading. Russians also love

going to the cinema and theater

As for more active pastime, riding

skiing and ice skating are very popular among people of all ages.

In winter, many people ride frozen ponds and skating rinks.

Figure skating is one of the most important sports in Russia.

The Russians are also known for their hockey teams. Many top

Players in Canada and the United States come from Russia.

Other leisure activities include hiking,

rock climbing, hiking and canoeing treble. Many

Russians participate in organized sports. Football -

beloved, but many taxi drivers do gymnastics,

or play

from to

in volleyball and basketball

In summer, they play chess in parks. Another hobby

stamp collecting and there are thousands of clubs on

stamp collecting

People of different nationalities in Russia have their own

traditional types of exercises. For example, Yakuts and Central

Siberia is very good deer riders, and the Buryats in the eastern

Siberians love shooting and bow.

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Present continuous
в данный момент я работаю -I`m working now at the moment
Сейчас я лежу на диване и слушаю музыку -Now I`m lying in the sofa and listening to music
В данный момент я плаваю в бассейне -I`m swimming the pool at the moment
я гуляю по парку -I`m walk on the park
я бегу на автобус-I `m runing the bus

Present Simple
Я люблю слушать радио-I like listen to radio
Мне нравится гулять вечером по парку- I like to walk on park
Я учусь в пятом классе - I study in the fifth grade
В школе я изучаю немецкий язык-At the school I study german language
Я работаю инженером на заводе -I work as the engineer at the factory
4,6(37 оценок)
Task 3. These verbs (believe, belong, contain, forget, hate, like, love, matter, need, own, prefer, realize, remember, suppose, understand, want) aren’t normally used in progressive forms. Use some or all of them to complete the sentences. More than one answer may be possible.
<> This book (1) to me. <> I (2) you’re right. <> His father (3) a chain of hotels. <> I (4) a drink of water. <> I (5) his face, but not his name. <> (6) you (7) this music? <> I (8) how old she is. <> She says she (9) to see Fred. <> Money doesn’t (10) to me. <> “Beer? I (11) water.” <> That bottle (12) petrol.

Task 4. Choose the correct form (simple present or present progressive).
1). I (have) a great time. 2). She (have) plenty of money just now. 3). She (appear) to have a problem. 4). He (appear) at the Fortune Theatre next week. 5). Why (you look) at me like that? 6). It (look) as if it’s going to rain. 7). I (see) the manager this afternoon. 8). I (see) what you’re trying to say. 9). I (think) you’re right. 10). What (you think) about? 11). I (feel) very tired today. 12). I (feel) she’s making a mistake.

Task 5. Revision of present tenses → put in the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
1). Vegetarians are people who (don’t eat, are not eating) meat. 2). Look out, my husband (comes, is coming). 3). What (happens, is happening) in golf if you lose the ball? 4). I (play, ‘m playing) tennis every weekend. 5). “What (are you looking, do you look) at.” “A strange bird”. 6). Some people still think the sun (goes, is going) round the earth. 7). An alcoholic is a person who (drinks, is drinking) too much and can’t stop. 8). Who (sits, ‘s sitting) in my chair? 9). I (stay, ‘m staying) with John for a few weeks until my flat’s ready. 10). We (usually stay, ‘re usually staying) with Peggy when we go to Chicago. 11). Can you explain why water always (run, is running) downhill? 12). What (do you do, are you doing) with my coat? 13). Nobody (gets, is getting) up early for fun. 14). Not many passenger planes (fly, are flying) faster that sound.

Task 6. Revision of present tenses → math the questions and answers.
1). What do you do? 2). What are you doing? 3). Where do you work? 4). Where are you working? 5). Does your son play the violin? 6). Is your son playing the violin? 7). What language does she speak? 8). What language is she speaking? 9). Who drinks champagne? 10). Who’s drinking champagne?
a). Actually, that’s the radio. b). French – she’s from Belgium. c). I want to get this car started. d). I’m an architect. e). I’m in Cardiff this week. f). In a big insurance company. g). it sounds like Russian. h). Me – can I have some more? i). Me, when I can afford it. j). No, the piano.

Task 7. Revision of present tenses → put in the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).
1). I (think) he’s away. 2). You (know) what I (mean). 3). She (always complain). 4). We (always start) at nine. 5). I (think) about your father. 6). While the butter (melt), you (take) three eggs and (break) them into a bowl. 7). Scientists (believe) the weather (change). 8). I (not see) what the problem is. 9). Why (you look) at the like that?
4,6(100 оценок)
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