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17.02.2021 02:10 •  Английский язык

1) What аге the highest mountains in the USA?
A) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains;
B) The Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the Siеrrа Nevada;
C) The Cordillera, the Appalachian Mountains and the Siеrrа Nevada;
D) The Appalachian Mountains, the Siеrrа Nevada and the Rocky Mountains;
E) The Siеrrа Nevada Mountains.

2) ... there is the Niagara River and the famous Niagara Falls.
A) In the north-eastern part of the USA;
B) In the north-western part of the USA;
C) In the south-eastern part of the USA;
D) In the south-western part of the USA;
E) In the south of the USA.

3) Тhе largest rivers in the USA аге ... .
A) the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Ohio;
B) the Mississippi River, the Missouri and the Grand;
C) the Missouri River, and the Colorado;
D) the Alabama River, the Sacramento and the Columbia;
E) The Grand and the Colorado.

4) is the largest river in Alaska.
A) the Yukon;
B) the Snake;
C) the Wailuku ;
D) the Savannah;
E) the Alabama River;

5) Тhе first inhabitants of North America were ... .
A) Dutch and Indians;
B) Indians and Eskimos;
C) Indians and Spaniards ;
D) Indians and Englishmen;
E) Africans.

6) Тhе American 50-star flag was raised for the first time оп July 4, .
A) 1690;
B) 1960;
D) 1790;
E) 1970;
F) 1590.

7) Тhе Statue of Liberty was given bу the people of ... .
A) Italy;
B) Spain;
C) France;
D) England;
E) Russia.

8) Who discovered America?
A) Christopher Columbus .
B) George Washington.
C) The pilgrims .
D) John Glenn.
E) Abraham Lincoln.

9) Who was the first president оf the USA?
A) Abraham Lincoln.
B) George Washington.
C) Franklin D. Roosevelt.
D) Tomas Jefferson.
E) Christopher Columbus.

10) What is the national symbol оf America?
A) The rose.
B) The bald eagle.
C) The shamrock.
D) The sun.
E) The mооn.

11) Which is the United States capital?
A) New York City.
B) Los Angeles.
C) Washington, D.C.
D) Chicago.
E) San Francisco.

12) Where is the Statue оf Liberty?
A) New York.
B) Massachusetts .
C) California.
D) Washington.
E) Los Angeles.

13) Тhе American f1ag has:
A) thirteen stripes .
B) thirty stripes.
C) fifty stripes .
D) fifteen stripes.
E) fifty - оnе stripes.

14) When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?
A) July 4.
B) December 25.
C) February 14.
D) June 4.
E) March 8.

15) What is the national sport in America?
A) football.
B) soccer.
C) baseball.
D) tennis.
E) rugby.

16) What is the largest city in Australia?
A) Sydney.
B) Canberra.
C) Melbourne.
D) Atlanta.
E) Belfast.

17) What is оnе оf Australia's most famous and best-loved animals?
A) The penguin.
B) The Eagle.
C) The koala .
D) The swan.
E) The ostrich.

18) Australia is а(n):
A) Peninsula.
B) Island continent.
C) City.
D) District.
E) Town.

19) What currency is used in New Zealand?
A) The New Zealand pound.
B) The New Zealand shilling.
C) The New Zealand dollar.
D) The German mark.
E) The Italian lira.

20) Washington, D.C., is а:
A) State .
B) Country .
C) District .
D) Тown.
E) City.

21) How mаnу states are there in America?
A) 50
B) 52
C) 25
D) 57
E) 15

22) In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?
A) December.
B) February.
C) November.
D) March.
E) Мау.

23) Who built the first car?
A) Benjamin Franklin.
B) Alexander Graham Ве с тестос​

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Task 4. You know, when there was television, many people predicted that radio

disappear. But they were wrong. Since the arrival of the TV and radio audience

have increased, and the radio now has more listeners than ever before. I think it's radio

it has become the most important media for music.

Answer the question.

1. When do you think people listen to the radio these days?

2. Do you often listen to the radio?

3. When do you use the Internet?

4. What do you use it for?

Task 5. Read the text. Associate each paragraph with one of the following

a - f headers. One header is unnecessary.

And hate propaganda

B a pleasant way to relax and spend your free time

C not only entertainment

D time is money

E viewing recommendations

F media is more real than reality

1. the Press, television and radio (mass media) play an important role in the life of society.

society. They influence how people view the world and make them

they change their views. Some people say: "News is not what happens – it's what you

watch or read in the media."In other words, the media shape public opinion.

(Sometimes it's good, but sometimes it's terribly bad. It depends.)

2. Millions of people watch TV and read Newspapers and magazines in their free time.

Magazines. Television dominates a person's life if the family watches it most of the time.

time. Television informs, educates and entertains people. Various TV games, such as

both quizzes and music programs attract a large audience. During a TV quiz

these questions are answered by the viewers themselves. Then there is the daily TV

series known as soap operas. Some people find them boring, others find them boring

to have good entertainment and relaxation.

3. There is also a lot of advertising on television. Many commercial firms buy time to

advertise your products. Advertising often annoys the General public. Movie, good

a basketball or football game may be interrupted several times by advertising

for soap powder or new perfume. To convince the audience that something is wrong.

the product is the best and convince them to buy it takes not only a lot

imagination, but also a lot of time. The same ads are repeated by dozens

time every day that tires the audience.

4. Some people say that there is too much violence on TV that has a bad

influence on the audience, especially young people. Television often shows scenes from


5. but it is hardly fair to say that television does not try to raise the cultural level of society.

people either develop their artistic taste. Many of the TV programs are excellent: they

made in good taste and with great professional skill. Television brings in

millions of homes are not only news and entertainment, but also culturally and

educational program. Good or bad, television brings the world into our home

and makes us closer to other people. In addition, it is a good company for people who

live alone.





to interrupt-interrupt

to convince, to persuade – to convince



Exercise 6. You have a lot of favorite programs. So the next challenge is to match

each program type is on the left with the correct item on the right. (find


1) football, Boxing, swimming

2) Life in different countries

3) People try to win prizes by answering questions

4) advertising for the products

5) animals, fish, birds, plants, flowers

6) information about what is happening in the world

7) jokes and funny situations

8) the history of everyday family life

a) nature films

b) quiz shows

C) news

d) soap operas

e) commercials

f) tourist films

g) Comedy

h) sports


4,4(92 оценок)
Narrator: Now in the wood
There live three
Daddy: Let,s take a walk.
Narrator: Daddy says ...
And Mummy says...
Mummy: Well,maybe:
I've got some porridge
In this pot.
It,s very nice-
But it,s very hot!
We can eat it
When we all return.
Let,s go outside
And get some sun!

Ведущий: В лесу живут три медведя.
Папа: Давайте пойдем на прогулку.
Рассказчик: Говорит папа, и мама говорит:
Мама: Ну,может быть. У меня есть немного каши в этой кастрюле. Она очень хорошая, но очень горячая! Мы можем съесть её, когда вернемся. Давайте выйдем на улицу и позагораем!

Cоединить прилагательные с подходящими существительными:

1.golden curls                  
2.naughty girl
3.lovely woods
4.hot porridge

Заполнить пропуски подходящими словами:

1. Mother says : "Listen to me."
2. Goldilocks is a girl with long golden curls.
3. Goldilocks is on her way to school.
4. Goldilocks takes a walk for the woods.
5. Three bears live in the wood.

Отвечать на вопросы, перевод вопросов и ответов.

1. What does Goldilocks' mother tell her every day? Что мама Златовласки говорит ей каждое утро? (не знаю, Вы не приложили текст)
2. Where does she take a walk? Где она гуляет? 
    Goldilocks takes a walk for the woods. Она гуляет в лесу.
3. Who lives in the wood? Кто живет в лесу? 
    Three bears live in the wood.
4. What do the bears have for breakfast? Что у медведей на завтрак? 
    They've got some porridge in the pot. У них горячая каша в кастрюле.
5. Why can't they eat the porridge? Почему они не могут съесть кашу? (не знаю, у нас нет текста)
4,8(80 оценок)
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