Английский язык 7 класс Раскройте скобки, выбрав правильный вариант.
It often in winter in our place.
a/snows b/ is snowing c/ snowed d/snowing e/ snow
2. Из приведенных ниже имен прилагательных , выберите слово, противоположное по значению слову happy
a/ funny b/bad c/cunning d/ sad e/ nice
3. Найдите ошибку в степенях сравнения прилагательных.
a / funny- funnier- the funniest
b/ good- better- the best
c/ hot- hoter – the hotest
d/ famous- more famous- the most famous
e/ little- less- the least
4. В каком случае вс глагол does стоит верно?
a/ When does your sister go to school?
b/ I does not like apples.
c/ Who does go to school every day?
d/They does not play tennis very well.
e / My friends does not read many books.
5. Во всех словах не хватает одной буквы. Какая это буква?
- ellow, - oung, - ard, - es.
a/ y b/ o c/ w d/ u e/ h
6. Какое слово лишнее в этой цепочке?
a/a dress b/ a skirt c/ a shirt d/ a blouse e/ a hat
7. Выберите правильную пару глаголов для этих предложений.
It sunny yesterday morning. My friend and I to the park.
a/ was, took b/ saw, went c/ was, played d/ was, went e/ is, go
8. Какое слово указывает на время глагола в этом предложении?
We went to Moscow summer.
a/last b/ this c/ next d/ that e/ in
9. Выберите нужный предлог.
There is a big table the room.
a/ behind b/ in c/ between d/ to the left of e/ to the right of
10. Вот атрибуты Рождества:
a/. chimney b/ presents c/ stockings d/ pumpkin e/ fire- place
Какой атрибут был употреблен ошибочно?
My character looks very handsome young man. He is dressed in ordinary white vest, red boots and a yellow and red striped. He has brown hair and a short haircut. He has a powerful force and mind. He has large blue eyes and a big nose.
I like Alesha, because he saves the world from evil and evil is different. He makes great plans, how to defeat your opponent. And most importantly, he has a love named Lubava and he cherishes this red-cheeked baby.