Составьте во предложения разных типов ( 5 во двухэтажны поезд
Travelling environment – условия поездки
Deck – крыша вагона
Access- доступ
Pressure-tight bodyshell – герметичный каркас кузова
To insulate – изолировать
Pressure shock – воздействие резкого изменения давления; гидравлический удар
Gangway – межвагонный переход
Compartment – купе
To furish – снабжать, оснащать
Collision – крушение
Impact – удар, влияние
A diverse range of - многообразный спектр чего-либо
Suitable for – подходящий
When I received your invitation to your birthday party, my heart swelled with delight. It swelled with longing to go. I yearned to be there for you. Then it shattered into a thousand pieces when I learned that my mom was being sent to hospital. Anyway, I am sorry that I wasn’t able to attend the party.
My mom suffered a heart attack on the day I took preparation to join the party. On that noon, my brother informed me that they were taking mom to the hospital as she had had a stroke. Without delaying a second, I straight went to the hospital where mom was admitted. I was overwhelmed by the situation and I couldn’t make any call to you to explain the situation. You would be glad to know that mom is now completely recovered from the stroke by the grace of god.
I hope you consider my condition and forgive me. But I would like to take you to dinner this Sunday at your favourite restaurant, the River Café. We can have some delicious Italian food. What do you think? Are you still angry at me? Can’t we meet there at 7.00 pm?
I look forward to hearing you soon.