1. Because there so many entertainment things to do.
2. Because there air pollutions.
3. Area: 5.45 km2. It's not that big.
4. Funny fact though, cars are prohibited on the island, but bicycles and horse-drawn carriages are allowed. Residents of the island can use tractors. Motorised vehicles can only be used by pensioners and disabled people.
5. Sark's economy depends primarily on tourism and financial services. Sark has no company registry and relies on Guernsey's financial services commission. But there lots of things to do.
6. Dan interested in geography I'd say.
Сити Петербург им олсоу зе Сити оф бриджес. 68 Риверс, ченнелс, энд лейдс кросс зе Сити ин дифферент дайрекшинс форминг 42 айландс он ИТС территори. Ноу зере а 580 бриджес инкладинг 20 дроубриджес ин Ст Петерсбург энд итс субугбс