Найдите английские эквиваленты в тексте:изучал медицину, известно, что..., изгнал чуму из Афин, у нас есть его письменные труды, жизнь коротка, знаменитая клятва, естественный процесс, незнакомый город, прекрасный врач, тщательно обследовать пациентов, ненавидел мысль, природа сама найдет путь, для наружного применения, как использовать многие лекарства, лечение ран, хороший хирург, трепанировать череп, ценная информация, уделять внимание.
As for me, i think that fastfood is not a right food and it's even harmful for people's health. Firstly, eating fasfood very often, people mày get varuous deseases such as obesity or gastritis. Secondly, people who prefer eating fast food to eating healthy food do not get vitamins or minerals which they can get from froots and vegetables. Thirdly, it's very easy to start eating fasfood but it's hard to give up this harmful habit and start eating healthy food, because people really addict to this kind of unhealthy food.
However, some people think that there is no need to spend a lot of money to buy fastfood, and its a bug advantage, because as a rule healthy food is not very expensive.I personally think that people should not be stingy because right food really influence people's health.In summary, i think it is not right decision even to start eating and prepearing fast food, because one of the main thing in life of any person is to stay healthy