13. is a hoop the same?
14. No. The hoop is lower in netball. 15. It doesn't have a board behind it either.
16. Do you bounce the ball in netball?
17. No. You can't move with the ball at all.
How do you score goals then?
18. You have to pass the ball to your team-mates.
19. Can you teach me to play netball?
20. Of course. We just need 12 more people.
Ok. I'll get some friends.
So will I. We'll meet here tomorrow.
Диалог идёт про игру в нетбол, и поэтому:
13. is the hoop the same?
Говориться про деталь, сравнивая с баскетболом.
14. No. The hoop is lower in netball.
Речь идёт про игру.
15. It doesn't have a board behind it either.
Сравнивая деталь с баскетболом.
16. Do you bounce the ball in netball?
Т.К. Говорится про правила, или "мы делаем так всегда," используем present simple.
17. No. You can't move with the ball at all.
Нелльзя сказать ни also, потому что оно никогда не стоит в конце, с never такой же случай, а all это буквально "всё". Методом исключения.
How do you score goals then?
18. You have to pass the ball to your team-mates.
Говорится про правила игры, используем present simple.
19. Can you teach me to play netball?
Present simple из "когда-либо" научить играть.
20. Of course. We just need 12 more people.
Методом исключения, подходит только это вежливое одобрение.
Ok. I'll get some friends.
So will I. We'll meet here tomorrow.
Animals should be kept in Safaris. It's their natural habitat, and it's a lot better for them to freely roam around their home land. That way, they will always be healthier and safer. The only thing is, predators are going to look for prey. Cheetahs and lions will kill innocent animals to survive. Even if it's the cycle of life and the principle of the food chain, it still isn't present in zoos, where people take care of the animals and keep the hostile ones away from the innocent.
Если что-то будет не понятно, обращайтесь в комментах. Have a nice day! <3
4)are feeling
5)is hardly moving не уверен