In our family holidays are New Year, Easter and Women's Day. But we love the New Year the most. Two weeks before the first of January we decorate the Christmas tree with colored balls, figurines and sweets. My mother and I cook festive meals almost the whole day, because there are always a lot of guests for the New Year. For New Year we give gifts to relatives. At midnight we turn on the TV and make a wish for the chimes, we congratulate each other on the New Year. The New Year is always very cheerful, because they say "How to meet a year, so you'll spend it."
Риключения Робинзона Крузо историю на необитаемом острове почти там сто лет ago.Richie Сова, с Мидлсбро в Великобритании, является 21-м веке Робинсон Crusoe.His дом острове близ Канкуна на острове Mexico.But Ричи будет different.He построил его сам-с 250000 пластиковых бутылок! В доме есть гостиная, простая кухня и две bedrooms.The погода жаркая, сухая и солнечная так Ричи использует с солнечной power.He "получил солнечный плита, душ, электрическое освещение и CD player.He разделяет остров с его собака, две утки и четыре кошки. Многие туристы посещают остров и, наконец, студент экологии остался там и изучал пути Ричи жизни. «Это paradisw! сказал он.
Two weeks before the first of January we decorate the Christmas tree with colored balls, figurines and sweets.
My mother and I cook festive meals almost the whole day, because there are always a lot of guests for the New Year.
For New Year we give gifts to relatives.
At midnight we turn on the TV and make a wish for the chimes, we congratulate each other on the New Year.
The New Year is always very cheerful, because they say "How to meet a year, so you'll spend it."