Обе не очень правильны, правда второй вриант лучше первого
My sister visited the hospital in which she was born вроде правильно, хотя я сам не очень уверен, рекомендую пользоватся не русскими сот-сетями и смотреть иностранцев на ютубе чтобы учить англиский разговорный
Physics has always been my favorite subject, I am very good at it. I have a couple of certificates for this subject. I love learning how things work. For example, how does Newton's lamellar work? In Newton's cradle, the first ball transfers momentum to the second ball and stops. The second ball receives an impulse of potential energy from the first, but due to the impossibility of transforming the potential. Newton's lullaby, shows the conservation of inertia. Or a simple, familiar whirligig. A rapidly rotating whirligig does not fall due to the gyroscopic effect, but gradually due to friction, the angular velocity of its own rotation decreases. When the speed rotation becomes insufficiently large, the axis of the top begins to spiral-like deviate from the vertical (precess), and in the end the top stops rotating and falls. The spinning top is the simplest example of a gyroscope, which is an essential element in a number of navigation instruments.
my sister visited the hospital in which she was born