Составьте уравнения реакций, при которых можно осуществить превращения. Дайте при необходимости названия веществам: 1)известняк --- оксид углерода (IV) --- глюкоза --- крахмал --- глюкоза --- этанол --- этилацетат --- этановая кислота;
пентан --- изопентан --- 2-метилбутадиен-1,3 --- изопреновый каучук;
в) С --- СН4 --- CH3Cl --- С3Н8 --- С2Н8.
4. Any crisis in the economy of the USA can seriously influence the economies of other nations. 5. Any country must follow some rules in international trade. 6. Can Russia supply its population with necessary amounts of gas and petrol?- Yes, it can. 7.British farmers could not ensure the required quality of meat when there was an infection among animals a few years ago. 8.You must have a special licence to import or export exotic animals.