Dear ...
I would like to congratulate you on the Women's Day and wish you all the very best!
Also I want to say how special you are in my life!
Learning foreign languages nowadays is of great importance. You are the very person who helps me to learn, study, and master English.
On the one hand, you are very kind, sociable, and easy to deal with. But on the other hand, you are very strict, demanding, and motivated.
It's rather difficult to learn English, but it's extremely easy to do it thanks to you. Your good command of English makes it easy for me to overcome grammar and lexics difficulties. Your English classes help me to understand the culture, customs, and traditions of the other country better.
Thank you very much for your proficiency and good attitude towards your pupils.
Take care of yourself.
With best wishes,
(Your name)
Дорогой(ая) ...
Хочу поздравить вас с женским днем и пожелать вам всего наилучшего!
Также хочу сказать, какой ты особенный в моей жизни!
Изучение иностранных языков в настоящее время имеет большое значение. Вы тот самый человек, который мне учить, изучать и овладевать английским языком.
С одной стороны, вы очень добры, общительны и легко общаетесь. Но с другой стороны, вы очень строгие, требовательные и целеустремленные.
Выучить английский довольно сложно, но благодаря вам это сделать очень легко. Ваше хорошее знание английского языка мне преодолевать грамматические и лексические трудности. Ваши уроки английского мне лучше понять культуру, обычаи и традиции другой страны.
Большое за умение и хорошее отношение к ученикам.
Заботиться о себе.
С наилучшими пожеланиями,
(Ваше имя)
It is hard to breathe in big cities because of air pollution.
According to the social studies 12% of schoolchildren throw litter on the streets.
I want to be an artist because I enjoy drawing.
You need to have a desire to become a doctor.
If you become a nurse, you will have to work with sick people.
You need a lot of communication skills to work with people.
I will never become a dancer. I’m so afraid to perform on the stage.
This job is so hard! I’m really tired after it.
There are many disabled peo1ple nowadays.
A part-time job means that you don’t work a full day from 9 to 5.
2. Are the doors closed?
3. My sisters live in Lenin Street.
4. I have children.