Напишите следующие числительные в виде цифр. three thousand seven hundred and sixty two, seven-eighths, four point zero one, eighteen seventy-three, one hundred and sixty five, the first, zero point three.
1) We expected that the delegation will arrive later in the week.2) We all know that she is very brave.3) We will scold if we continue to argue.4) She wanted her work checked immediately.5) It turned out that she was a great actress.6) My mother made him go to bed.7) You have photographed?8) Did you see that someone walked into the classroom?9) He will tell me all about it, even if I did not ask him.10) I want to be photographed.11) It seems that the article will appear in the next issue of the magazine.12) The child wanted to bear to put him to bed.13) We hope that you will go with us to the south.14) We expected that the dinner will be served.15) His invention is considered very important.16) He is expected to arrive later in the week.17) When you podstrizheshsya?18) It is said that he is working on this project for two years.19) I felt that someone was watching me.20) He accidentally met her in Moscow.
1. a) 1. The farm workers have completed (активный залог, present perfect) the automatic shearing of the sheep. - Рабочие на ферме довели до совершенства автоматическую стрижку овец 2. Scientists are trying (активный залог, present continuous) to improve agricultural machinery. - Учёные пытаются усовершенствовать сельскохозяйственные машины б) 1. Harvesting was mechanized (пассивный залог, past simple) all round.- Cбор урожая был повсюду механизирован 2. Petrol lubrication is used (пассивный залог, present simple) in small two-stroke engines.- Смазка бензином используется в маленьких двух-тактных двигателях (Всё, дальше не сделаю, слишком большое задание)
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