1.she was watching TV when he came.
2.Luke was reading a book when mum called him
3.Steve broke his leg when he was playing football
4.Roy and Peggy were studying history when they heart a noisy
5.They had an accident when they were driving home
6.Sam was listening to music when the phone rang
7.Rick slept when Will was doing his homework
8.Mrs Pamela Wilson was driving her car when it started to dance
9.Ivy was playing in the garden when the earthquake happened
10.Mr Raymond was working in the hall when the ceiling crashed down
11.what were you doing when the accident happened? I was sleeping
12.what were you doing whet it happened? I called for an ambulance
13.I was doing my homework when i got home from school
14.When she came home,she was cold and she had a hot bath.
15.Mum was cooking while the rest of the family cleaned the house
16.How did you cut your finger? I cut it when i was cutting meat
17.We were having breakfast when the postman brought some letters
18.When we finished breakfast,Annie was washing the dishes
19.Joan found an old painting when she was cleaning the attic.
20.Harry lost his key when he was playing in the playground
I dreamed i was walking along a street in a strange city.It was evening and it was getting dark.I tried to find my was home but i did not know which way to go,An old man was sitting on the pavement. I thought he was asleep.I tried to walk past him quietly because i did not want to wake him up.But he opened his eyes and asked, "Where are you going?""Home"I said."Do you know the way?".He pointed towards an old house on the other side of the street.When i was crossing the street i heart the old man laughing behind me.He then shut across the street,"But have you got the key?""i shook my head.The old man got ap and walked away laughing
Give me some WATER, please. Subject
WATER the flowers, please. Predicate
It is necessary to AIR the classroom after every lesson. Predicate
The AIR in the mountains is so fresh! Subject
If you want to drink fresh milk, go and MILK our cow. Predicate
You’d better LIGHT the fire with those matches, than sit and do nothing.
Such a small salary like this is an INSULT to me. Subject
You INSULT me by saying such things. Predicate
I prefer to FACE difficulties, not to hide. Predicate
Her FACE seems familiar to me. Subject
The LIGHT from the lamp is too bright. Subject
This BOOK didn’t interest me at all. Subject
Could you BOOK the hotel, please? Predicate
I hope you’ll have a good REST. Subject
Those seaside houses REST on special tall piles. Predicate
That was our last STOP on the way home. Subject
We’d better STOP here to refuel before we run out of petrol. Predicate
This WISH of his has really surprised me. Subject
I WISH my children could get the best education possible. Predicate
As Jack was very hungry, he ate three substantial dishes at a GO. Subject
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