The Lilliputians thought Gulliver was a Great Man-Mountain because he looked to them as big as a mountain. — Лилипуты думали Гулливер был великим Человеком-горой, потому что он выглядел для них таким же большим как гора.Gulliver’s handkerchief was as big as a carpet. — Носовой платок Гулливера был столь же большим, как ковер.His tobacco box was as big as a kitchen in a Lilliputian’s house and as heavy as a Lilliputian horse. — Его табакерка была такая же большая, как кухня в доме лилипутов и тяжелой, как лошадь лилипутов.The Lilliputians thought Gulliver’s comb was very useful, because it was as big as fence around the King’s garden. — Лилипуты подумали расческа Гулливера было очень полезной, потому что она была такой же большой, как забор вокруг сада короля.
1) heavy traffic is one of the most serious problems that our cities have to deal with in our time. what can we do, then, to reduce traffic in our city centers? 2) first, it is important to improve public transportation and encourage people to use it to get to work and to school. the result would be fewer cars in the city and therefore fewer traffic jams.3) another solution would be to encourage people to participate in car-sharing programs. this means that several employees would share one car in order to work instead of each arrival in their own car.
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