1. Pupils had been speaking about the climate of Russia during the lesson yesterday.
Past Perfect Continuous Passive
Перевод: Вчера во время урока ученики говорили о климате России.
2. We have an idea to restore this monument.
Present Simple Active
Перевод: У нас есть идея восстановить этот памятник.
3. English has always been the main language in the USA.
Present Perfect Active
Перевод: Английский язык был всегда основным языком в США.
4. The students were writing an essay during an hour yesterday.
Past Continuous Active
Перевод: Вчера в течение часа студенты писали эссе.
5. A group of Italian students will visit our city next week.
Future Simple Active
Перевод: Группа студентов из Италии посетят наш город на следующей неделе.
6. I knew that my friend had already entered the Wood Institute.
Past Simple Active; Past Perfect Simple
Перевод: Я знал, что мой друг уже поступил в Институт Древесины.
1. ...don't listen... doesn't cook... 2. ... hadn't buy 3. went... did want 4 gets 5. buys for 6. have stopped 7. Do you red this book, yesterday? 8. was sleeping... didn't watch... 9was young, I thought Mary is nicethink that 10. ...walked saw 11. wrote... 12. ...works don't speak 13. hadn't buy 14. ..eats... 15. ... am sitting sit 16. ...doesn't take walks . Вставляйте в пробелы вместо того,что в скобках.