Сделайте тест с множественным выбором. Буду очень благодарен.
1. I hope you … to my party this weekend. B. will come
2. By the time you … this letter I … my final exams. C. receive; will have finished
3. Look at the baby! She … drop off the spoon. A. is going to
4. They … lunch with Sam at this time tomorrow. D. will be having
5. I am not sure when I … on holiday this year. A. will go
6. Please, phone me when you … home. A. get
7. If we … enough money we … a new computer. B. have; will buy
8. I doubt if they … on time. D. will be
9. Mr Simon … here for 30 years by the time he retires next month. D. will have been working
10. I really need this cap. – OK. I … it for you. A. will buy
11. We’ve run out of milk. – … I go to the shop? B. Shall
12. We expect the weather … better tomorrow. C. will be
13. Henry … the garage by Friday. D. won’t have built
14. Anna, … you … making so much noise? A. Will you stop
15. The London train … at 7.15. C. arrives
Я тебе перевела через переводчик но у меня он очень хороший я тебе от чистого сердца. Так что перевод идеальный лучше тебе уже никто не переведет.
That the girls are threatening you. Well, you can't do that. Why would you tell your parents? Until it's too late And it will be even worse. If you continue in the same vein, they will treat you even worse. If I were you, I would tell my parents a long time ago. What you can do is tell your parents. Do not be afraid that they can do nothing with you. The district will tell parents. And they will punish these girls. And they won’t touch you anymore. And even to other girls like you. So say it. do not tolerate all this is better to act. And remember, there is no other way. This is the only decision you can make. So say it. You can make it. Soon you will forget about it. This is my best advice to you. If you still need help, contact me. I will always help you. I am waiting for good news from you. Good luck.
I imagine the Hobbits so ... Hobbits have chubby belly, they are brightly dressed mostly in green and yellow, do not wear shoes because they have the legs on the nature of hard leather soles and thick warm brown fur, as well as on the head. Only on the head it curly. Hobbits have long dark nimble fingers, good-natured person, they laughed a deep laugh, uterine (especially after lunch, and dinner, as a rule, twice a day, if possible). "I think they are.
Я представляю себе хоббитов так... У хоббитов толстенькое брюшко; одеваются они ярко, преимущественно в зеленое и желтое; башмаков не носят, потому что на ногах у них от природы жесткие кожаные подошвы и густой теплый бурый мех, как и на голове. Только на голове он курчавится. У хоббитов длинные ловкие тёмные пальцы на руках, добродушные лица; смеются они густым утробным смехом (особенно после обеда, а обедают они, как правило, дважды в день, если получится)".Мне кажется они такие.
1. b
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. a
7. b
8. d
9. d
10. a
11. a
12. b
13. d
14. b
15. c