Например, бык: ox - oxen (быки), child - children, tooth-teeth, foot-feet, goose - geese, mouse - mice, man-men, woman - women, penny - pence, person - people и др. Есть существительные, у которых сохраняется одна и та же форма и для единственного и для множественного числа.( sheep = sheep овца - овцы; deer = deer олень - олени) и другие. 11 parks - [s], 12 spaceships - [s], 13 mountains - [z], 14 cities - [iz], 15 towns - [z], 16 villages - [iz], 17 farms - [z], 18 rivers - [z], 20 houses - [iz].
All tea-drinkers tend to be quite particular 21)about how they like their tea. When serving others tea, 22)there are two important questions: "23)Would you like sugar in your tea?" and "How 24)much milk do you like in your tea?". Unlike many countries in Europe, us Brits like our tea with milk. There are relatively few people who would relish a cup of black tea. Of course, when it comes to fruit teas milk is out of the question; it would be considered rather odd to add milk to a cup 25)of fruit tea.
Yes, it is.
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