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27.12.2022 12:46 •  Английский язык

Заполните пропуски соответствующими эквивалентами модальных глаголов.
1. Some people simply get used to this lifestyle so there is a high staff turnover.
2. You to get used to jokes between workmates but people are not allowed 55 to be unkind.
3. The oil company to estimate the future costs of pumping out the oil.
4. His top priority to complete the project on time and within budget.
5. Mark do a safety course next week. He’s not sure.

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Mozart, an Austrian composer and virtuoso musician, was born on January 27, 1756. Popular classical composer. Influenced the world music culture. He had phenomenal hearing. The youngest member of the Bologna Philharmonic Academy (since 1770). And also the youngest knight of the order of the Golden spur.When Mozart was 4 years old, he played the harpsichord. When he was 5-6 years old, he started composing music. At the age of 8-9, he created his first symphonies, and at the age of 10-11, his first works for musical theater. Mozart not only worked in all the musical forms of his time, but also achieved great success in them. Many of his compositions are recognized as masterpieces of symphonic, concert, chamber, Opera and choral music. Mozart arrived in Prague already ill, and since then his condition has worsened. He died on December 5, 1791.

Объяснение: Перевод: Австрийский композитор и музыкант-виртуоз Моцарт родился 27 января  1756 года. Популярный классический композитор. Повлиял на мировую музыкальную культуру. Обладал феноменальным слухом.  Самый молодой член Болонской филармонической академии (с 1770 года). А также самый молодой кавалер ордена Золотой шпоры.Когда Моцарту было 4 года, он играл на клавесине. Когда ему было 5-6 лет, он начал сочинять музыку. В возрасте 8-9 лет он создал свои первые симфонии, и в 10-11 лет - первые произведения для музыкального театра. Моцарт не просто работал во всех музыкальных формах своего времени, но и добился в них большого успеха. Многие из его сочинений признаны шедеврами симфонической, концертной, камерной, оперной и хоровой музыки. Моцарт приехал в Прагу уже больным, и с этих пор его состояние ухудшалось. Умер 5 декабря 1791 года.

4,4(73 оценок)
Hello ! How nice it was to receive from you new letter — I read it a few times in a row. You actually gave collie Puppy? That's great! What did you call it? How do you treat it? Unfortunately, my parents strongly disagree keep in the house a cat or dog because they are afraid of wool, damaged furniture and Wallpaper. And I think that the animal must be — after all, how much joy, warmth and love brings it all home! I want to tell you that I started attending a circle macrame at our club. It turns out that weaving dates back to ancient seafaring craft — knitting knots. The rope can be painted in different color and weave of her toys, ornaments, planters, handbags and even clothing. I already figured out what gifts will make all for the New year. Latest news: in our class there is a new girl with an old Russian name Arina — gymnast from circus. She has an amazing braid to his knees. It is surprisingly sociable, she made friends immediately, as if were together for eight years, and not only a week. At its invitation, we whole class went to the circus. Arina were amazing, I got the impression that it may meet in any figure, so it is flexible. It is a pity that after a few months it will go to a new town on tour, the circus is not in place. And in my school soon will be traditional ballroom dancing competition, and now almost my entire class disappears during rehearsals. Many of our girls from the first class go to the dance, so the waltz, and Samba we set ourselves. At first she was afraid not to find the right partners, because Samba is very catchy and energetic dance, but our boys did not disappoint us. So have all the chances to win! Anya imagine, I only recently learned that in our house lives a very interesting woman — Anna Kovtun, a war veteran and known throughout the region craftswoman: she embroiders pictures. How amazing it turns out! When you look from afar, it seems that before you a piece of wildlife. Anna Ivanovna has repeatedly taken the first prizes at various exhibitions, and once even ran an article in the newspaper. My mother promised that in the summer again would get me a ticket to "Aistenok", and I go to camp. Finally we meet again! I have missed you so much! We are definitely going to swim in the lake, dance and sing songs under a guitar. And in the evenings to come up with a mysterious history. I even think that they are worth recording — if you ever release a book? What all can be (I know, you laugh now!). I wonder will we recognize each other in a year? Is there a big change? I look forward to your letter. Write, what is new in your life, what are your plans for the future. If possible, send me a photo of you and the puppy. Because probably already done a lot of interesting shots. On this finish. Prior to the meeting. Your friend.
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