Если это год, то надо поделить на две части и сказать: восемнадцать сорок восемь- eighteen forty eight. Если это просто число, то говорим: one thousand eight hundred and forty eight. Аналогично произносятся следующие числа.
A tiger is a great wild animal of tremendous beauty, grace and strength. A tiger is one of the largest cats on the Erath but the number of these charming animals is decreasing due to the human hunt and industrial activity.  A tiger’s body is powerful and covered with thick fur of black and orange stripes. The location of stripes is unique for every tiger. Tigers have strong graceful legs and large paws and a beautiful long tail. The weight of adult males may reach up to 300 kilograms, and the length of the body up to 1.5-3 metres. Tigers are found mainly in the South, Southeast and Central Asia. Tigers are unsurpassed hunters. But unlike pack animals they hunt alone. They display phenomenal intuition and marvellous observation. Unfortunately tigers are among extinct animals nowadays so people must do their best to preserve them.
Hi (имя), Yoy asked an intresting qestion. My favotite animal is exotic)). It's a fox calls Fennec. It's a very cute little mammal with a big ears and fluffy tale. Usually its fur's a light yellow color, but there's another subspecies look like a Fennec which have a grey back. Fennecs're rare and live in deserts, basically in Sahara desert. You know, my mom've promised to present me a fennec by my birthday. What do you think about it?)) waiting for your answer Bye (блин ну думаю тут чуть больше 80 слов если хош чтот убери а так думаю не поругают наверное если не строго проверяют но вот примерный текст))
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