С ТЕСТОМ 1. Поставьте глаголы to be, to have в нужную форму 1) You (be) polite with people. 2) I (be) at the station. 3) She (have) seven cousins.4) We (have) five English books. 5) It (be) ourdog. 2. Дайте прилагательным сравнительную и превосходную степени strong, funny, nice, mad, wonderful 3. Поставьте существительные в притяжательный падеж комната мамы – mother, room; игрушки детей – children, toys; очки докторов – doctors, glasses 4. Дайте существительным множественное число glass, city, sandwich, banana, tooth, table, knife, woman, wish, sheep, play, domino, wall 5. Напишите время по-английски 10:15; 19:25; 14:45; 06:50; 01:30 6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа 1) There… twolampsontheceiling. a) is b) are c) am 2) The picture is (на) the wall. a) on b) in c) by 3) … winter we seldom go for a walk. a) on b) in c) by 4) Can I have… sugar, please? a) a little b) a few c) many 5) Have you got …friends? a) much b) many c) a little 6) There are…chairs in the room. a) a little b) much c) a few 7) He doesn’t buy … books. a) no b) any c) some 8) There is… cake on the table. It’s tasty. a) any b) some c) no 9) We have… milk. We can’t cook the cake. a) no b) any c) some 7. ответьте кратко на вопросы утвердительно и отрицательно 1) Does she go to the South every year? 2) Do they live in Paris? 4) Do you go to the cinema every month? 5) Are they reading at the moment? 6) Is there a living-room and a study? 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple 1) It sometimes (snow) here in April. 2) Every morning mother (cook) breakfast for us. 3) Every day I (drink) tea at 5 o’clock. 4) She (not; like) milk. 5) They (not; speak) English well. 6) We (work) at the project every year. 7) __ Helen __(like) sport? 8) __you__ (swim) well?
Mira street, 38
The fourth of October
Dear Mike,
Thank you for your letter. I did not write you because I was ill. And thank you for your questions. I answer it with pleasure.
Yes, I have a sister who is seven. She is funny and very curious. Of course I spend much of my time with her. In my opinion I would not like to be the only child in the family because I love my sister and without her my life would be very boring.
I'm interested in the story of Harry Potter. I had wathed all films about him but didn't read books. I would like to read it because I like adventures. That's why I want to answer you: what was your feelings, emotions when you had read this books? Have you ever watched films about Harry Potter? If no, would you like to see it? Oh, sorry Mike, I must do my homework.
Write back soon